April 30, 2022- Oxidative stress, aging and the proteasomal system
- Introduction: oxidant stress, aging, and exercise.
- stress, aging, and brain oxidative damage
- stress aging of Al–xCu alloys: experiments
- stress, aging, and neurodegenerative disease.
- Animal models of oxidative stress, aging, and therapeutic antioxidant interventions
- Oxidative stress, aging and longevity in Drosophila melanogaster
- aging and oxidative stress
- Mitochondrial oxidative stress, aging and caloric restriction: the protein and methionine connection
- Oxidative stress and aging
- stress aging of Al–Cu alloys: computer modeling
- Oxidative stress and aging: beyond correlation
- stress and the aging immune system
- Decreased proteolysis caused by protein aggregates, inclusion bodies, plaques, lipofuscin, ceroid, and ‘aggresomes’ during oxidative stress, aging, and disease
- aging and oxidative stress.
- stress and aging
- Psychological stress and coping in aging.
- Mechanisms of aging: an appraisal of the oxidative stress hypothesis
- stress aging in the electron glass
- stress, aging, and mental health
- Implications of the stress aging yield phenomenon with regard to stress corrosion cracking
- stress, aging, and resilience: Can accrued wear and tear be slowed?
- stress, aging, and Neurodegenerative Disorders: Molecular Mechanismsa
- The role of oxidative damage and stress in aging
- On the Formation of Surface States during stress aging of Thermal Si‐SiO2 Interfaces
- Senescence marker protein-30 protects mice lungs from oxidative stress, aging, and smoking
- stress and the aging hippocampus
- aging, stress and the hippocampus
- stress, the aging brain, and the mechanisms of neuron death.
- Adaptive mechanisms to oxidative stress during aging
- The role of mitochondrial oxidative stress in aging
- aging, energy, and oxidative stress in neurodegenerative diseases
- Protein degradation in mitochondria: implications for oxidative stress, aging and disease:: a novel etiological classification of mitochondrial proteolytic disorders
- Role of mitochondria in oxidative stress and aging
- stress, aging and retirement
- Mitochondria, oxidative stress and aging
- The neuroendocrinology of stress and aging: the glucocorticoid cascade hypothesis
- Oxidative stress, caloric restriction, and aging
- Oxidative stress and protein aggregation during biological aging
- Cognitive impairment of rats caused by oxidative stress and aging, and its prevention by vitamin E
- Alterations of antioxidant enzymes and oxidative stress markers in aging
- Mitochondrial free radical generation, oxidative stress, and aging
- Importance of individuality in oxidative stress and aging
- Oxidative stress, accumulation of biological’garbage’, and aging
- Reducing cardiovascular stress with positive self-stereotypes of aging
- Skin antioxidants: their role in aging and in oxidative stress—new approaches for their evaluation
- The effects of stress and aging on glutathione metabolism
- Protein oxidation in aging, disease, and oxidative stress
- Work stress in aging police officers
- aging and oxidative stress: studies of some genes involved both in aging and in response to oxidative stress
- aging: is oxidative stress a marker or is it causal?
- stress aging in anhydrous nylon 6–10
- Cell aging in relation to stress arousal and cardiovascular disease risk factors
- Alcohol, aging, and the stress response
- Multi-stress aging of stator bars with electrical, thermal, and mechanical stresses as simultaneous acceleration factors
- Glucocorticoids, stress, and their adverse neurological effects: relevance to aging
- aging and oxidative stress: modulation by dietary restriction
- Oxidative stress and aging: role of exercise and its influences on antioxidant systems
- A novel hypothesis of lipofuscinogenesis and cellular aging based on interactions between oxidative stress and autophagocytosis
- Oxidative stress as a causal factor in differentiation and aging: a unifying hypothesis
- Physical activity and oxidative stress during aging
- Mitochondrial oxidative stress: physiologic consequences and potential for a role in aging
- Oxidative stress in brain aging, neurodegenerative and vascular diseases: an overview
- Mitochondrial oxidative stress plays a key role in aging and apoptosis
- stress, glucocorticoids, and aging.
- Oxidative stress in brain aging: implications for therapeutics of neurodegenerative diseases
- Role of oxidative stress and protein oxidation in the aging process
- stress and glucocorticoids in aging
- Oxidative stress and mitochondrial DNA mutations in human aging
- Oxidative stress, radiation-adaptive responses, and aging
- stress and aging
- Scanning tunneling microscopy of optical fiber corrosion: surface roughness contribution to zero‐stress aging
- Mitochondrial DNA mutations, oxidative stress, and apoptosis in mammalian aging
- Dose effect of oxidative stress on signal transduction in aging
- Managing the stress of aging: The role of control and coping
- Mitochondrial mutations may increase oxidative stress: implications for carcinogenesis and aging?
- Plant aging increases oxidative stress in chloroplasts
- Oxidative stress, Mitochondrial DNA Mutation, and Impairment of Antioxidant Enzymes in aging
- Salivary cortisol levels and stress reactivity in human aging
- Oxidative stress and brain aging: is zinc the link?
- Skin low molecular weight antioxidants and their role in aging and in oxidative stress
- Surface oxidase and oxidative stress propagation in aging
- Oxidative stress and the mitochondrial theory of aging in human skeletal muscle
- Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in aging and neurodegenerative disease
- Conservation of resources, stress, and aging
- Oxidative stress in head trauma in aging
- Role of oxidative stress in Drosophila aging
- Possible involvement of proteasome inhibition in aging: implications for oxidative stress
- Oxidative stress, redox imbalance, and the aging process
- stress and aging: theoretical and empirical challenges for interdisciplinary research
- stress responses and innate immunity: aging as a contributory factor
- aging and cardiovascular reactivity to stress: longitudinal evidence for changes in stress reactivity.
- Regulation of Oxidative stress by the Anti-aging Hormone Klotho*♦
- Lipofuscin as an indicator of oxidative stress and aging.
- The relaxation response: reducing stress and improving cognition in healthy aging adults
- stress, immunity, and aging
- Oxidative stress and inflammation in brain aging: nutritional considerations
- Age differences in stress, coping, and appraisal: Findings from the Normative aging Study
- Longevity, stress response, and cancer in aging telomerase-deficient mice
- Similar gene expression patterns characterize aging and oxidative stress in Drosophila melanogaster
- Impairment of learning and memory in rats caused by oxidative stress and aging, and changes in antioxidative defense systems
- Extracellular redox state: refining the definition of oxidative stress in aging
- Protein oxidation and proteolysis during aging and oxidative stress
- stress resistance and aging: influence of genes and nutrition
- Longevity and aging: beneficial effects ofexposure to mild stress
- Elevated oxidative stress in models of normal brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease
- The HPA axis response to stress in women: effects of aging and fitness
- aging and oxidative stress in neurodegeneration
- The effects of stress on memory and the hippocampus throughout the life cycle: Implications for childhood development and aging
- aging-induced phenotypic changes and oxidative stress impair coronary arteriolar function
- Effect of stress during aging on the precipitation of θ′ in Al-4 Wt pct Cu
- stress-induced premature senescence. Essence of life, evolution, stress, and aging.
- Autophagy, proteasomes, lipofuscin, and oxidative stress in the aging brain
- Glutathione, oxidative stress and aging
- Current issues concerning the role of oxidative stress in aging: a perspective
- Multiple stress aging of solid-dielectric extruded dry-cured insulation systems for power transmission cables
- Oxidative stress and vascular aging
- Molecular mechanisms of oxidative stress in aging: free radicals, aging, antioxidants and disease
- Genome-wide study of aging and oxidative stress response in Drosophila melanogaster
- Impact of aging on stress-responsive neuroendocrine systems
- Mechanism of guanine-specific DNA damage by oxidative stress and its role in carcinogenesis and aging
- Oxidative stress protection and vulnerability in aging: putative nutritional implications for intervention
- Replicative aging, telomeres, and oxidative stress
- Oxidative stress, antioxidants, aging and disease
- Oxidative stress in aging in the C57B16/J mouse cochlea
- Rat brain and liver mitochondria develop oxidative stress and lose enzymatic activities on aging
- Chronic stress-induced acceleration of electrophysiologic and morphometric biomarkers of hippocampal aging
- Optical fiber corrosion: coating contribution to zero-stress aging
- Oxidative stress and mitochondrial function with aging–the effects of calorie restriction
- Mitochondrial DNA mutations, oxidative stress, and aging
- Telomere shortening and mood disorders: preliminary support for a chronic stress model of accelerated aging
- Endogenous oxidative stress: relationship to aging, longevity and caloric restriction
- Sex, stress and the hippocampus: allostasis, allostatic load and the aging process
- The immune system in the oxidative stress conditions of aging and hypertension: favorable effects of antioxidants and physical exercise
- Protein, lipid and DNA repair systems in oxidative stress: the free-radical theory of aging revisited
- stress hormones and brain aging: adding injury to insult?
- stress theories of aging
- Oxidative stress during aging of stationary cultures of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Hippocampal vulnerability to stress and aging: possible role of neurotrophic factors
- Immunohistochemical and ELISA Assays for Biomarkers of Oxidative stress in aging and Diseasea
- stress aging of a Cu-10Ni-6Sn spinodal alloy
- c-Abl in oxidative stress, aging and cancer
- Exercise and hormesis: oxidative stress-related adaptation for successful aging
- Beneficial effects of moderate exercise on mice aging: survival, behavior, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial electron transfer
- Yeast ABC transporters–a tale of sex, stress, drugs and aging
- Melatonin: a principal neuroimmunoregulatory and anti-stress hormone: its anti-aging effects
- Role of Hsp70 in regulation of stress-kinase JNK: implications in apoptosis and aging
- Nitric oxide and cellular stress response in brain aging and neurodegenerative disorders: the role of vitagenes
- The role of thioredoxin in the aging process: involvement of oxidative stress
- Involvement of oxidative stress-induced abnormalities in ceramide and cholesterol metabolism in brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease
- Does emotionality predict stress? Findings from the normative aging study.
- Mi to chon drial The ory of aging Ma tures Roles of mtDNA Mu ta tion and Ox i da tive stress in Hu man aging
- Free radicals: key to brain aging and heme oxygenase as a cellular response to oxidative stress
- Molecular biology of glutamate receptors in the central nervous system and their role in excitotoxicity, oxidative stress and aging
- Mitochondrial alterations, cellular response to oxidative stress and defective degradation of proteins in aging
- The Maillard reaction and oxidative stress during aging of soybean seeds
- aging alters the apoptotic response to genotoxic stress
- Oxidative stress, exercise and aging
- aging reduces adaptive capacity and stress protein expression in the liver after heat stress
- aging, stress, and cognitive function.
- Behavioral dysfunction, brain oxidative stress, and impaired mitochondrial electron transfer in aging mice
- An update on the oxygen stress–mitochondrial mutation theory of aging: genetic and evolutionary implications
- Apoptosis and oxidative stress in the aging brain.
- Effects of aging and stress on hippocampal structure and function
- Oxidative stress, antioxidant defences and aging
- Mitochondrial protein oxidation and degradation in response to oxidative stress and aging
- Oxidative stress and superoxide dismutase in development, aging and gene regulation
- Oxidative stress and aging in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)
- The effects of aging and oxidative stress on learning behavior in C. elegans
- Increased oxidative stress with aging reduces chondrocyte survival: correlation with intracellular glutathione levels
- The effects of aging and oxidative stress on psychomotor and cognitive behavior
- Evidence for a shift in the Th-1 to Th-2 cytokine response associated with chronic stress and aging
- aging and depression: vulnerability and stress across adulthood
- Proteasome function in aging and oxidative stress: implications in protein maintenance failure
- aging-induced up-regulation of nuclear binding activities of oxidative stress responsive NF-kB transcription factor in mouse cardiac muscle
- Surface State Formation during Long-Term Bias-Temperature stress aging of Thin SiO2–Si Interfaces
- Effects of neurohormonal stress and aging on the activation of mammalian heat shock factor 1.
- Oxidative stress in human aging and mitochondrial disease-consequences of defective mitochondrial respiration and impaired antioxidant enzyme system
- Selective mitochondrial autophagy, or mitophagy, as a targeted defense against oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and aging
- Cognition impairment in the genetic model of aging klotho gene mutant mice: a role of oxidative stress
- Alterations in oxidative stress scavenger system in aging rat brain and lymphocytes
- Two subpopulations of mitochondria in the aging rat heart display heterogenous levels of oxidative stress
- Dietary supplementation with antioxidants improves functions and decreases oxidative stress of leukocytes from prematurely aging mice
- MAO inhibitors and oxidant stress in aging brain tissue
- Ultraslow dynamics and stress relaxation in the aging of a soft glassy system
- Oxidative stress in the aging rat heart is reversed by dietary supplementation with (R)‐α‐lipoic acid
- Mechanism of stress aging in Al-Cu (-Mg-Ag) alloys
- Postirradiation aging affects stress and strain in polyethylene components.
- Gender differences in free radical homeostasis during aging: shorter‐lived female C57BL6 mice have increased oxidative stress
- aging, changes in the cardiovascular system, and responses to stress
- Age‐associated increases in oxidative stress and antioxidant enzyme activities in cardiac interfibrillar mitochondria: implications for the mitochondrial theory of aging
- Proteasome regulation of oxidative stress in aging and age-related diseases of the CNS
- Calorie restriction up-regulates the plasma membrane redox system in brain cells and suppresses oxidative stress during aging
- Endogenous salicylic acid protects rice plants from oxidative damage caused by aging as well as biotic and abiotic stress
- Methionine sulfoxide reductases: relevance to aging and protection against oxidative stress
- stress management, aging, and disease
- Muscle-specific expression of Drosophila hsp70 in response to aging and oxidative stress
- Adjustment in aging: the roles of life stress, hassles, and self-efficacy.
- Modulation of Lon protease activity and aconitase turnover during aging and oxidative stress
- Life stress, Hassles, and Self‐Efficacy in aging: A Replication and Extension1
- A physical model for degradation of drams during accelerated stress aging
- Therapeutics against mitochondrial oxidative stress in animal models of aging
- Redox regulation of heat shock protein expression in aging and neurodegenerative disorders associated with oxidative stress: a nutritional approach
- Oxidative stress and aging: catalase is a longevity determinant enzyme
- Effect of Water Content on stress aging of Nylon 6–10
- aging and posttraumatic stress disorder
- p66Shc: at the crossroad of oxidative stress and the genetics of aging
- Towards a “free radical theory of graying”: melanocyte apoptosis in the aging human hair follicle is an indicator of oxidative stress induced tissue damage
- Phenomenological prediction of tensile strength of E-glass composites from available aging and stress corrosion data
- Urinary 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) as a marker of oxidative stress in rheumatoid arthritis and aging: effect of progressive resistance training
- Oxidative stress-induced mitochondrial DNA damage in human retinal pigment epithelial cells: a possible mechanism for RPE aging and age-related macular …
- The effect of aging on stress responsiveness and central corticosteroid receptors in the brown Norway rat
- The influence of aging on critical transformation stress levels and martensite start temperatures in NiTi: part II—discussion of experimental results
- Zero stress aging and the static fatigue transition in optical glass fibers
- Oxidized amino acids in the urine of aging rats: potential markers for assessing oxidative stress in vivo
- aging induces cardiac diastolic dysfunction, oxidative stress, accumulation of advanced glycation endproducts and protein modification
- Cytoprotective effect on oxidative stress and inhibitory effect on cellular aging of Terminalia chebula fruit
- Insulin-like signaling, metabolism, stress resistance and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Critical reviews of oxidative stress and aging: advances in basic science, diagnostics and intervention
- The influence of aging on critical transformation stress levels and martensite start temperatures in NiTi: part I—aged microstructure and micro-mechanical modeling
- aging of cardiac myocytes in culture: oxidative stress, lipofuscin accumulation, and mitochondrial turnover
- Human skeletal muscle satellite cells: aging, oxidative stress and the mitotic clock
- Role of Oxidative and Nitrosative stress, Longevity Genes and Poly (ADPribose) Polymerase in Cardiovascular Dysfunction Associated with aging
- Nutritional factors in cerebral aging and dementia: epidemiological arguments for a role of oxidative stress
- Exercise training in aging: hemodynamic, metabolic, and oxidative stress evaluations
- stress/aging: endocrine profiles/reproductive dysfunction in men
- Brain oxidative stress in animal models of accelerated aging and the age-related neurodegenerative disorders, Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease
- … ‐deficient diet extends mouse lifespan, slows immune and lens aging, alters glucose, T4, IGF‐I and insulin levels, and increases hepatocyte MIF levels and stress …
- Loss in oxidative stress tolerance with aging linked to reduced extracellular signal‐regulated kinase and Akt kinase activities
- Late-life emergence of early-life trauma: The phenomenon of late-onset stress symptomatology among aging combat veterans
- aging and oxidative stress in progressive supranuclear palsy
- Redox regulation by thioredoxin superfamily; protection against oxidative stress and aging
- Long-term moderate magnesium-deficient diet shows relationships between blood pressure, inflammation and oxidant stress defense in aging rats
- aging in wire insulation under multifactor stress
- aging, sex differences, and oxidative stress in human respiratory and limb muscles
- Ceramide, stress, and a” LAG” in aging
- Recurrence of posttraumatic stress disorder in late life: A cognitive aging perspective
- Membrane and receptor modifications of oxidative stress vulnerability in aging: nutritional considerations
- Interpretation of yield drops induced by stress–aging treatments of polymers
- Study of GP Zones in Al–Cu Alloys by stress aging
- Coenzyme Q10 Protects the aging Heart against stress: Studies in Rats, Human Tissues, and Patients
- Interaction between static fatigue and zero-stress aging in E-glass fiber composites
- … glucocorticoid receptor response to low dose dexamethasone administration in aging combat veterans and holocaust survivors with and without posttraumatic stress …
- Modification by vitamin E and exercise of oxidative stress in regions of aging rat brain: studies on superoxide dismutase isoenzymes and protein oxidation status
- aging and stress-induced changes in complement activation and neutrophil mobilization
- The influence of aging and aortic stiffness on permanent dilation and breaking stress of the thoracic descending aorta
- A phenomenological aging model for combined thermal and electrical stress
- Organismal stress and telomeric aging: An unexpected connection
- Oxidative stress and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
- The role of stress concentrations in acceleration creep and sorption-induced physical aging
- Differential effects of exercise and heat stress on liver HSP70 accumulation with aging
- Influence of aging and social isolation on changes in brain monoamine turnover and biosynthesis of rats elicited by novelty stress
- Oxidative stress and aging reduce COX I RNA and cytochrome oxidase activity in Drosophila
- aging-related increase in oxidative stress correlates with developmental pattern of beta-secretase activity and beta-amyloid plaque formation in transgenic Tg2576 …
- Shear stress relaxation and physical aging study on simple glass-forming materials
- The longitudinal course of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among aging military veterans
- Appearance of amyloid β-like substances and delayed-type apoptosis in rat hippocampus CA1 region through aging and oxidative stress
- Hormetic modulation of aging and longevity by mild heat stress
- Flow induced by a sphere settling in an aging yield-stress fluid
- … in Bcl-2: Bax ratio, oxidative stress, redox-active iron and apoptosis associated with aluminum-induced neurodegeneration: increased susceptibility with aging.
- Myocardial and skeletal muscle aging and changes in oxidative stress in relationship to rigorous exercise training
- stress, inflammation and natural immunity in the aging process: a new theory
- aging-related oxidative stress depends on dietary lipid source in rat postmitotic tissues
- Mental stress response, arterial stiffness, and baroreflex sensitivity in healthy aging
- Sympathoadrenal activity and psychosocial stress. The significance of aging, long-term smoking, and stress models.
- Genetic stability and oxidative stress: common mechanisms in aging and cancer
- Chronic stress, aging and morphine analgesia: chronic stress affects the reactivity to morphine in young mature but not old rats.
- Selected contribution: differential expression of stress-related genes with aging and hyperthermia
- Coping with extreme stress and aging
- The effect of aging on the electromyographic activity of pelvic floor muscles: a comparative study among stress incontinent patients and asymptomatic women
- Oxidative stress on mitochondrial antioxidant defense system in the aging process: Role of DL-α-lipoic acid and L-carnitine
- The stationary phase model of aging in yeast for the study of oxidative stress and age-related neurodegeneration
- Role of membrane lipids in regulation of vulnerability to oxidative stress in PC12 cells: implication for aging
- Erythrocyte disaggregation shear stress, sialic acid, and cell aging in humans
- Mild stress-induced stimulation of heat-shock protein synthesis and improved functional ability of human fibroblasts undergoing aging in vitro
- Residual stress, aging, and fatigue fracture in injection molded glassy polymers I. Polystyrene
- … of AA-6201 alloy for manufacturing of high conductivity and extra high conductivity wires with property of high tensile stress after artificial aging heat treatment for all …
- The roles of dopamine oxidative stress and dopamine receptor signaling in aging and age-related neurodegeneration
- Multiple stress aging of magnet wire by high frequency voltage pulses and high temperatures
- A three-phase multi-stress accelerated electrical aging test facility for stator bars
- Common mechanisms for declines in oxidative stress tolerance and proliferation with aging
- Lipid peroxidation, occupational stress and aging in workers of a prehospital emergency service
- Hepatic oxidative stress during aging: effects of 8% long-term calorie restriction and lifelong exercise
- Modulating cellular aging in vitro: hormetic effects of repeated mild heat stress on protein oxidation and glycation
- A mechanism proposed to explain the rise in oxidative stress during aging
- Effect of physical aging on stress relaxation of poly (methyl methacrylate)
- Coping with stress: a physician’s guide to mental health in aging.
- Oxidative stress in leukocytes from young prematurely aging mice is reversed by supplementation with biscuits rich in antioxidants
- Effect of physical aging on thermal stress development in powder coatings
- Accelerated tissue aging and increased oxidative stress in broiler chickens fed allopurinol
- Environmental Enrichment‐Behavior‐Oxidative stress Interactions in the Aged Rat: Issues for a Therapeutic Approach in Human aging
- Metabolism, physiology and stress defense in three aging Ins/IGF‐1 mutants of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
- Effect of physical aging and thermal stress on the behavior of polyester/TGIC powder coatings
- Age-related retinal degeneration in animal models of aging: possible involvement of taurine deficiency and oxidative stress
- Activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is altered by aging and exposure to social stress in female rhesus monkeys
- A mild stress, hypergravity exposure, postpones behavioral aging in Drosophila melanogaster
- Influence of long-term aging and superimposed creep stress on the microstructure of 2.25 Cr-1Mo steel
- From the stress theory of aging to energetic and evolutionary expectations for longevity
- The effects of long-term vitamin E treatment on gene expression and oxidative stress damage in the aging Brown Norway rat epididymis
- stress Response and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
- stress, glucocorticoids, and their role in degenerative changes in the aging hippocampus.
- The origin of photo-oxidative stress in the aging eye
- Regression, stress, and readjustment in aging: A structured, bio-psychosocial perspective on coping and professional support
- The retrograde response links metabolism with stress responses, chromatin-dependent gene activation, and genome stability in yeast aging
- Oxidative stress and mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle: effects of aging and exercise training
- Corticosteroid Receptors in Brain: Relationship of Receptors to Effects in stress and aging a
- Effect of mean stress (stress ratio) and aging on fatigue-crack growth in a metastable beta titanium alloy, Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al
- Improvements in strength and stress corrosion cracking properties in aluminum alloy 7075 via low-temperature retrogression and re-aging heat treatments
- Slowing down aging from within: mechanistic aspects of anti-aging hormetic effects of mild heat stress on human cells.
- Effects on immune responses by chronic stress are modulated by aging
- New estimating techniques for multi-stress aging test of large generator stator winding insulation
- Mechanisms of red blood cell trauma in assisted circulation. Rheologic similarities of red blood cell transformations due to natural aging and mechanical stress.
- Contribution of personality research to an understanding of stress and aging
- aging is associated in the 344/N Fischer rat with decreased stress responsivity of central and peripheral catecholaminergic systems and impairment of the …
- Oxidative stress” and muscle aging: influence of age, sex, fiber composition and function
- Mid-life stress and cognitive deficits during early aging in rats: individual differences and hippocampal correlates
- stress orientation of nitrogen during the quench-aging of nitrogen ferrite
- Mild heat stress stimulates 20S proteasome and its 11S activator in human fibroblasts undergoing aging in vitro
- Sleep disruption, oxidative stress, and aging: new insights from fruit flies
- Effect of physical aging and variable stress history on the strain response of polymeric composites
- Gender and ethnic differences in urinary stress hormones: the population-based Chicago Health, aging, and Social Relations Study
- … DNA damage and lipid peroxidation together with mitochondrial DNA mutation in human lung tissues during aging—smoking enhances oxidative stress on the aged …
- Oxidative stress and aging: studies on an East-Sicilian, ultraoctagenarian population living in institutes or at home.
- Neuroprotective role of neurokinin B (NKB) on β-amyloid (25–35) induced toxicity in aging rat brain synaptosomes: involvement in oxidative stress and excitotoxicity
- aging characteristics of polymer lightning arrester by multi-stress accelerated aging test
- Oxidative stress-associated vascular aging is xanthine oxidase-dependent but not NAD (P) H oxidase-dependent
- Die surface stress variation during thermal cycling and thermal aging reliability tests
- Aluminum, restraint stress and aging: behavioral effects in rats after 1 and 2 years of aluminum exposure
- aging and obesity augment the stress-induced expression of tissue factor gene in the mouse
- aging and the cellular response to stress: reduction in the heat shock response
- Predicting cerebral blood flow response to orthostatic stress from resting dynamics: effects of healthy aging
- Oxidative stress and aging–the use of superoxide dismutase/catalase mimetics to extend lifespan
- Nitric oxide and oxidative stress in cardiovascular aging
- Mitochondrial dysfunctions during aging: vitamin E deficiency or caloric restriction–two different ways of modulating stress
- Human aging alters the first phase of the molecular response to stress in T-cells
- stress-free aging of optical fiber in water and humid environments: Part 2
- Multiple stress aging of HV polymeric insulation
- An improved cold stress test for aging mice
- Influence of multistep aging on the stress corrosion cracking behavior of aluminum alloy 7010
- Protein aging by carboxymethylation of lysines generates sites for divalent metal and redox active copper binding: relevance to diseases of glycoxidative stress
- aging and assessment of physiological strain during exercise-heat stress
- Modulation of baroreflex sensitivity and spectral power of blood pressure by heat stress and aging
- aging: The fitness-stress continuum and genetic variability
- Effect of stress on microstructural change due to aging at 823 K in multi-layer welded joint of 2.25 Cr–1Mo steel
- The plasma membrane redox system: a candidate source of aging-related oxidative stress
- Coping with the stress of aging—creatively.
- Leisure activities, stress, and health among bereaved and non-bereaved elderly men: The normative aging study
- Residual stress, aging and fatigue fracture in injection‐molded glassy polymers. II. Polycarbonate
- Differential regulation of forebrain glutamic acid decarboxylase mRNA expression by aging and stress
- Environmental aging of epoxy resins: synergistic effect of sorbed moisture, temperature, and applied stress
- A Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) prevents mitochondrial aging by protecting against oxidative stress
- Interactions among the effects of aging, chronic disease, and stress on adrenocortical function in Syrian hamsters
- Thermo‐oxidative and photo‐oxidative aging of polypropylene under simultaneous tensile stress
- stress-free aging of optical fibers in liquid water and humid environments: Part 1
- Yield behavior of a mild steel after prestraining and aging under reversed stress
- Effect of behavioral stress on coronary artery relaxation altered with aging in BHR
- Evidence for the accumulation of oxidative stress during cellular aging of human diploid fibroblasts
- Coenzyme Q10 Protects From aging-Related Oxidative stress and Improves Mitochondrial Function in Heart of Rats Fed a Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA)-Rich …
- The effect of aging and an oxidative stress on peroxide levels and the mitochondrial membrane potential in isolated rat hepatocytes
- stress and neuroendocrine changes during aging
- Effect of aging on performance, muscle activation and perceived stress during mentally demanding computer tasks
- Linking oxidative stress and genetics of aging with p66Shc signaling and forkhead transcription factors
- Women, aging and post-disaster stress: Risk factors for psychological morbidity
- Excessive vasoconstriction after stress by the aging kidney: inadequate prostaglandin modulation of increased endothelin activity
- stress, satisfaction, competence: Findings from the Bonn Longitudinal Study on aging.
- Effect of physical aging on tensile stress relaxation and tensile creep of cured EPON 828/epoxy adhesives in the linear viscoelastic region
- DNA repair, oxidative stress and aging
- Role of olive oil and monounsaturated fatty acids in mitochondrial oxidative stress and aging
- Step stress aging of plated wire memories
- Oxidative stress results in increased sinks for metabolic energy during aging and sprouting of potato seed-tubers
- Elemental strain and trapped space charge in thermoelectrical aging of insulating materials. Part 1: Elemental strain under thermo-electrical-mechanical stress
- A cellular stress model for the sequestration of redox‐active glial iron in the aging and degenerating nervous system
- Generalized stress relaxation behaviour and physical aging in heterogeneous amorphous polyblends
- aging, vertebral density, and disc degeneration alter the tensile stress‐strain characteristics of the human anterior longitudinal ligament
- aging and the skin blood flow response to the unloading of baroreceptors during heat and cold stress
- Iron induces oxidative stress and may alter the rate of aging in the housefly, Musca domestica
- Physical symptoms related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in an aging population
- stress and survival of aging Escherichia coli rpoS colonies
- Work-related stress symptoms of aging employees in municipal occupations
- Intracellular interactions under oxidative stress and aging: a hypothesis.
- Critical reviews of oxidative stress and aging
- Effects of vitamin E depletion/repletion on biomarkers of oxidative stress in healthy aging
- Bulk moduli from physical aging and stress relaxation data
- Effect of aging on stress reactivity of the adrenal cortex in laboratory primates. Dependence on the time of day
- Gene expression of α‐endosulfine in the rat brain: correlative changes with aging, learning and stress
- Increasing oxidative stress in aging
- The release and uptake of excitatory amino acids in rat brain: effect of aging and oxidative stress
- aging, stress, and autonomic control.
- Oxidant stress leads to impaired regulation of renal cortical oxygen consumption by nitric oxide in the aging kidney
- aging is associated with a decrease in synaptosomal glutamate uptake and an increase in the susceptibility of synaptosomal vitamin E to oxidative stress
- Effects of solidification structure and aging condition on cyclic stress–strain response in Al–7% Si–0.4% Mg cast alloys
- Influence of aging on Kupffer cell respiratory activity in relation to particle phagocytosis and oxidative stress parameters in mouse liver
- Role of carbonyl stress in aging and age-related diseases
- aging prolongs the stress-induced release of noradrenaline in rat hypothalamus
- Intermediate phases, reversibility windows, stress-free and non-aging networks, and strong liquids
- aging lowers steady-state antioxidant enzyme and stress protein expression in primary hepatocytes
- Effects of step-quench and aging on mechanical properties and resistance to stress corrosion cracking of 7050 aluminum alloy
- Estrogens normalize the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to stress and increase glucocorticoid receptor immuno-reactivity in hippocampus of aging male …
- stress and old age: A case study of black aging and transplantation shock
- Photocurrent studies of stress and aging in pentacene thin film transistors
- aging, stress, and affective disorders.
- Effect of long-term Actyl-L-Carnitine on stress-induced analgesia in the aging rat
- stress‐Assisted Diffusion to Dislocations and its Role in Strain aging
- On stress-relaxation experiments and their significance under strain-aging conditions
- Effect of zero stress aging on mechanical characteristics of optical fibers
- aging influences multiple incidices of oxidative stress in the aortic media of the Fischer 344/NNia× Brown Norway/BiNia rat
- aging, stress, and society: a psychoneuroendocrinological view
- The Effect of aging on Glutathione Peroxidase-I Knockout Mice—Resistance of the Lens to Oxidative stress
- Hormetic Mechanisms of Anti-aging and Rejuvenating Effects of Repeated Mild Heat stress on Human Fibroblasts in Vitro
- Effects of aging and stress aging on Creep Resistance of Single Crystal Ni-base Superalloy CMSX-4
- Protective role of dietary vitamin E on oxidative stress in aging
- Oxidant injury in PC12 cells—a possible model of calcium “dysregulation” in aging: I. Selectivity of protection against oxidative stress
- Indicators of oxidative stress in aging rat brain. The effect of nerve growth factor
- Posttraumatic stress in aging World War II survivors after a fireworks disaster: A controlled prospective study
- Temperature, stress response and aging
- aging reduces responsiveness to BSO-and heat stress-induced perturbations of glutathione and antioxidant enzymes
- Oxidative stress and antioxidants in aging
- Application of a model for strain aging under stress to niobium
- aging of AISI type 304 austenitic stainless steel containing nitrogen and its influence on stress corrosion cracking
- Influence of aging and exercise‐induced stress on human platelet function
- stress, aging, and mental health.
- Influence of aging on stress ulcer formation in rats
- Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking as a factor in nuclear power plant aging
- Influence of dynamic strain aging on the stress exponent and the dislocation substructure for the creep of Al Mg alloys
- Development of nitric oxide and prostaglandin mediation of shear stress–induced arteriolar dilation with aging and hypertension
- Sporadic inclusion-body myositis and hereditary inclusion-body myopathies: diseases of oxidative stress and aging?
- Neuroautoantibody immunoreactivity in relation to aging and stress in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice
- Environmental aging and stress‐cracking of poly (ethylene terephthalate)
- The effects of stress on plasma ACTH and corticosterone in young and aging pregnant rats and their fetuses
- Creep and physical aging of PVC: dependence on stress and temperature
- Analysis of variable stress history on polymeric composite materials with physical aging
- Plasma thyroxine and cortisol under basal conditions and during cold stress in the aging dog
- Effect of sintering temperature on nonlinear electrical properties and stability against DC accelerated aging stress of (CoO, Cr2O3, La2O3)-doped ZnO–Pr6O11-based …
- Rapid development and a long life: an association expected under a stress theory of aging
- Impairment of mineralocorticoid receptor (MR)-dependent biological response by oxidative stress and aging: correlation with post-translational modification of …
- aging alters the force-frequency relationship and toxicity of oxidative stress in rabbit heart
- Neutron scattering from MnCu alloys near the critical composition: effects of stress and aging
- Effect of aging on stress Relaxation of Inconel X-750 Bolt at 923 and 1033 Κ
- Effects of plasma polymer on the multi-stress aging of organic insulation and proposed degradation mechanisms
- Influence of strain aging on the strain-rate sensitivity of the flow stress
- Mechanical stress in PECVD a-SiC: H: aging and plasma treatments effects
- Immunological alterations with aging—laying a stress on recent progress in Japan
- Cholinergic systems in aging: the role of oxidative stress
- Effects of aging on LH and prolactin after LHRH L-dopa, methyl-dopa, and stress in male rat
- stress and adaptation in humans–aging, illness, psychosocial stress
- Mechanical stress enhances expression and production of plasminogen activator in aging human periodontal ligament cells
- Effects of stress and vapor exposure before and during aging on enthalpy relaxation of poly (vinyl chloride)
- Effect of the antioxidant action of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) on aging and oxidative stress
- A study of radiation-induced aging: response of irradiated and nonirradiated mice to cold stress
- agingDB: A database for oxidative stress and calorie restriction in the study of aging
- Molecular mechanisms of anti-aging hormetic effects of mild heat stress on human cells
- Strain-aging, strain-rate sensitivity, and flow stress variations at intermediate temperatures in a two-phase Ti-Al alloy
- Mitochondrial Oxidative stress and aging in the Filamentous Fungus Podospora anserina
- Microsomal Glutathione S-Transferase 1 in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium: Protection against Oxidative stress and a Potential Role in aging,
- Regenerative Medicine: Antagonic‐stress® Therapy in Distress and aging. I. Preclinical Synthesis—2003
- stress, cells and tissue aging
- Multiple stress aging of high voltage polymeric insulation
- Basics of multi-stress aging tests: survey of actual operating conditions of large industrial motors
- Oxidative stress does not modulate metabolic rate or skeletal muscle sympathetic activity with primary aging in adult humans
- aging, stress, and sudden cardiac death
- The effect of aging on the yield stress of a single-crystal superalloy
- aging and stress‐induced changes in choline and glutamate uptake in hippocampus and septum of two rat strains differing in longevity and reactivity to stressors
- The nature of the response to stress with aging
- Plasma levels of 8-epiPGF2α, an in vivo marker of oxidative stress, are not affected by aging or Alzheimer’s disease
- A cellular stress model for the differential expression of glial lysosomal cathepsins in the aging nervous system
- aging, stress, and chronic disease interact to suppress plasma testosterone in Syrian hamsters
- stress response and aging
- Oxidative modification of enzymes during aging and acute oxidative stress
- No-stress aging of aramid/epoxy composites
- Neuroendocrine and immune responses to stress in aging
- Effect of cellular aging on the induction of cyclooxygenase-2 by mechanical stress in human periodontal ligament cells
- Replicative senescence as a model of aging: the role of oxidative stress and telomere shortening–an overview
- Antagonic-stress: a therapeutic composition for deceleration of aging. II. Brain lipofuscinolytic activity demonstrated by electron microscopy
- Anomalous aging in two‐phase systems: Creep and stress relaxation differences in rubber‐toughened epoxies
- Role of oxidative stress in aging
- Effect of saline and water stress and of early aging of algaroba seed germination.
- Nonlinear properties and stability against DC accelerated aging stress of praseodymium oxide-based ZnO varistors by Er2O3 doping
- Structure and properties of beryllium bronze after stress aging
- Effect of aging and oxidative/genotoxic stress on poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 activity in rat brain.
- Calorie restriction as a potent anti-aging intervention: Modulation of oxidative stress
- Effects of long-term running stress on the ultrastructure of the aging mouse heart
- stress and aging effects on female workers
- Influence of long-term aging at 520° C and 560° C and the superimposed creep stress on the microstructure of 1.25 Cr-0.5 Mo steel
- High temperature properties and aging–stress related changes of feco materials
- stress, spirituality, and cytokines in aging and cancer
- Nondestructive detection and assessment of damage in aging aircraft using a novel stress-strain microprobe system
- Physical aging in poly (methyl methacrylate)/poly (styrene‐co‐acrylonitrile) blends. I. stress relaxation
- Metallothionein expression and stress responses in aging human diploid fibroblasts
- Introduction. Oxidative stress in mitochondria disorders of aging.
- aging effects on monotonic, stress-paused, and alternating creep of type 304 stainless steel
- Study on the multi-stress aging of stator insulation based on fingerprint parameters
- stress, hospitalization, and aging.
- aging and oxidative stress
- Premature aging as a function of long-term environmental stress
- Suppression of oxidative stress in aging NZB/NZW mice: effect of fish oil feeding on hepatic antioxidant status and guanidino compounds
- aging is not accompanied by sympathetic hyperresponsiveness to air-jet stress
- Probing the in Vivo Relevance of Oxidative stress in aging Using Knockout and Transgenic Mice
- Regulation of beta adrenergic receptors on rat mononuclear leukocytes by stress: receptor redistribution and down-regulation are altered with aging.
- Antagonic-stress: a therapeutic composition for deceleration of aging. I. Brain lipofuscinolytic activity demonstrated by light and fluorescence microscopy
- Accelerated aging in combined stress environments
- Multifactor stress aging of electrical insulation
- Increased F2-isoprostane levels in the rat brain and plasma caused by oxidative stress and aging, and inhibitory effect of vitamin E
- Effect of aging on internal stress and fatigue fracture of poly (4‐methyl pentene‐1)
- Effects of aging duration, stress ratio during aging and stress path on stress-strain behaviour of loose Fraser River sand
- Electrical properties and stability against DC accelerated aging stress of ZPCCE-based varistor ceramics
- Effects of immobilization stress on open field behavior and plasma corticosterone levels of aging C57BL/6J mice
- Oxidative stress-associated vascular aging is independent of the protein kinase C/NAD (P) H oxidase pathway
- Deformation bands in ceria‐stabilized tetragonal zirconia/alumina: II, stress‐induced aging at room temperature
- Influence of aging and tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition on tissue levels of norepinephrine during stress
- stress-and aging-associated modulation of macrophage functions
- An analysis of multi-factor aging of mica-epoxy insulation systems by the infinite sequential stress method
- Cytoprotective effect on oxidative stress and inhibitory effect on cellular aging of Uncaria sinensis Havil
- Strength degradation and recovery during zero-stress aging of fused silica optical fibers
- Elevated temperature aging of stress annealed Fe-Ga transduction alloys with built-in uniaxial stress anisotropies
- Water and ion distributions in myocytes cultured under oxidative stress mimic changes found in the process of aging
- stress state effect on dynamic strain aging and surface markings during stretching of AlMg7 alloy sheet
- Effects of aging on the stress-strain and creep behaviors of lead free solders
- Oxidative stress state in aging and longevity mechanisms
- Evidence suggesting a nitric oxide-scavenging activity for traditional crude drugs, and action mechanisms of Sanguisorbae Radix against oxidative stress and aging
- Oxidative stress and antioxidant defense: Effects of aging and exercise
- Deficiency in integrin-mediated transmembrane signaling and microfilament stress fiber formation by aging dermal fibroblasts from normal and Down’s syndrome …
- Creep and plastic strains of 304 stainless steel at 593 C under step stress changes, considering aging
- aging and oxidative stress resistance in human fibroblasts
- aging families and stress
- Increased susceptibility of cellular membranes to the induction of oxidative stress after ingestion of high doses of fish oil: effect of aging and protective action of dl-α …
- Roles of Shc signaling in oxidative stress response and aging
- The influence of aging stress on the yield point phenomenon in the zirconium alloy, ozhennite 0.5
- Alpha-tocopherol pretreatment improves endothelium-dependent vasodilation in aortic strips of young and aging rats exposed to oxidative stress
- Scleral calcification and photoreceptor cell death during aging and exposure to chronic stress
- Energetic stress induces premature aging of diploid human fibroblasts (Wi-38) in vitro
- Effect of aging and stress history on the undrained strength of ultra-weak cohesive soils
- The effect of cold work and strain aging on the sulfide stress cracking resistance and mechanical properties of expanded tubular steels-a laboratory study
- Effectiveness of thermo-mechanical stress in accelerated aging of turn insulation in motor coils
- Effect of various stress-relief annealing treatments on permeability and aging of grain-oriented electrical steel strips
- Effect of trace phosphorus and boron on the stress rupture and creep properties of direct aging IN718 alloy
- Models of oxidative stress in the biology of aging
- Changes in jun N‐terminal kinase activation by stress during aging of cultured normal human fibroblasts
- Evaluation of Acceleration Factors in Sequential stress aging Test
- Benzodiazepine receptor binding response to acute and chronic stress is increased in aging animals
- Peroxidative stress and cerebral aging.
- Study is first to confirm that stress speeds aging
- Genetics, redox signaling, oxidative stress, and apoptosis in mammalian aging
- Electrical properties and stability against DC accelerated aging stress of lanthania doped praseodymia-based zinc oxide varistor ceramics
- Effects of purslane herb on stress ability of aging mice induced by D-galactose
- Oxidative stress, poly (ADP) ribosylation and aging: in vitro studies on lymphocytes from normal and Down’s syndrome subjects of different age and from patients with …
- The apparent viscosity of the protoplasm of subepidermal stem basis cells of Pisum sativum. Relation to aging, drought tolerance and water stress
- Caloric intake, oxidative stress and aging
- 1.3 µm buried heterojunction laser diodes under high electrical stress: Leakage currents and aging behavior
- aging in brown fat: antioxidant defenses and oxidative stress
- Spontaneous deformation during aging under stress in a copper-beryllium alloy
- Cellular Oxidative stress, aging, and the Local RAS
- Analyzing correlation between neurophysiological parameters and level of stress hormone cortisol in aging
- Effect of Zero stress aging on the Strength of Optical Fibers
- Regulation of neurogenesis in the aging vertebrate brain: role of oxidative stress and neuropsychiatric factors
- Craze growth in stress relaxation conditions: Effects of physical aging
- Effect of single aging on stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of INCONEL X-750 under PWR conditions
- Analysis of phase transformation kinetics by intrinsic stress evolutions during the isothermal aging of amorphous Ni (P) and Sn/Ni (P) films
- Effect of aging on psychological stress-induced increases in noradrenaline release in the rat anterior hypothalamus: an in vivo microdialysis study
- The aging dependent effects of the oxidative stress on the expression of some genes
- Dietary vitamin E in oxidative stress and aging
- aging and the environment: the stress theories
- Effects of stress aging on changes in mechanical properties and microstructures of Hastelloy-X and Hastelloy-XR
- Individual and interactive influence of temperature, stress, physical aging and moisture on creep, creep rupture and fracture of epoxy matrix and its composite
- Human T cell clones in long-term culture as models for the impact of chronic antigenic stress in aging
- Intermittent stress relaxation and thermal aging of vulcanized rubber
- aging during elevated temperature stress relaxation of IM7/K3B composite
- stress and aging. A counter-cultural development of locus of control and coping behavior in the elderly
- Effect of macroscopic stress on accelerated aging of GaInAsP channeled substrate buried heterostructure lasers
- Analysis of thermal stress in early age concrete based on aging degree method
- stress, glucocorticoids, and aging
- Features of lipid peroxidation in brain and liver tissues from aging rats under stress
- The change of microstructure of large stator winding insulation in multi-stress aging
- Cellular aging and oxidative stress
- Basal and stress induced concentrations of adrenal gland catecholamines and plasma ACTH during aging.
- The craze growth response in stress relaxation conditions for a styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer during physical aging
- Maillard reaction and oxidative stress are interrelated stochastic mechanisms of aging
- The aging of America: culture, stress, and sex
- Oxidative stress and calorie restriction in aging
- Effects of static strain aging on residual stress stability and alternating bending strength of shot peened AISI 4140
- Oxidative stress and aging-Second International Conference. Technologies for assessment and intervention strategies. 2-5 April 2001, Maui, USA.
- aging, energy, and oxidative stress in neurodegenerative diseases
- The effects of stress and physical aging on the creep compliance of a polymeric composite
- stress saturation in a nickel-base superalloy, under different aging treatments
- The effect of cold rolling and aging treatment on the stress corrosion cracking of SUS 316L and SUS 316 stainless steels in high temperature water
- stress and aging
- Does work stress enhance the rate of aging?
- stress and aging effects on the transformation characteristics in Au-Cd alloys
- Oxidative stress in animal models of accelerated aging, Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease
- Effects of aging on prolactin release after stress in female and male rats
- The change of microstructure of epoxy mica insulation in multi-stress aging
- stress and aging (author’s transl)
- Singular stress Behavior in a Bonded Hereditarily‐Elastic aging Wedge. Part I: Problem Statement and Degenerate Case
- Applying a stress and resiliency framework for teaching adult development and aging throughout the social work undergraduate-level curriculum
- In vivo and in vitro molecular imaging techniques to clarify the mechanism of oxidative stress related to brain aging and neuro-degenerative diseases
- Effects of microcrystallinity on physical aging and environmental stress cracking of poly (ethylene terephthalate)(PET)
- stress relief mechanism of aging in plated-wire memories
- stress chemiluminescence of polymeric materials; predictive applications to the aging process
- aging and acute stress decrease corticotropin releasing hormone in the ovary of the Fischer 344/N rat
- Singular stress Behavior in a Bonded Hereditarily‐Elastic aging Wedge. Part II: General Heredity
- Adrenal neuropeptide Y mRNA but not preproenkephalin mRNA induction by stress is impaired by aging in Fischer 344 rats
- Modeling Of aging Of Solid Dielectric Materials In Multiple stress Environment
- Effect of naltrexone on stress-induced bioactive prolactin release in aging male rats
- aging of Plant Tissue and stress-Strain Curves, Modulus of Elasticity and Specific Gravity of Plant Tissues
- Precipitation evolution in HT-9 steel under thermal aging and stress rupture conditions
- Homebound aging women and the management of stress
- 1. Oxidative stress and aging
- Salt regulation and leaf senescence in aging leaves of Jaumea carnosa (Less.) Gray (Asteraceae), a salt marsh species exposed to NaCl stress
- Substituted 2-hydroxy-1, 2-dihydropyrrol-3-ones: fluorescent markers pertaining to oxidative stress and aging
- stress relaxation in semi-crystalline PEN films: Physical aging effects
- Insulin signaling, glucose metabolism oxidative stress, and aging
- Proposed research on class I components to test a general approach to accelerated aging under combined stress environments
- aging an Fe-Ni-Co-Nb-Ti-Si superalloy under tensile stress
- Endogenous Dangers: stress, the aging Brain, and the Mechanisms of Neuron Death. Robert M. Sapolsky. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992. xii, 429 pp., illus. $55.
- Posttraumatic stress symptomatology in aging combat veterans: The direct and buffering effects of stress and social support
- Melatonin and its Role in aging and oxidative stress
- Creep, stress rupture, and isothermal aging of reinforced polyphthalamide
- Neurotoxicity of kainate to the hippocampus is not accrued by aging, stress and exogenous corticosterone in Wistar Kyoto and spontaneously hypertensive rats
- A multi-stress environmental chamber for the aging of all-dielectric self-support fiber optic cables
- Asymptotics near the tip of a crack of the state of stress and strain of inhomogeneously aging bodies
- Aspects of stress and aging in the rat (author’s transl)
- Changes in myocardial norepinephrine levels in response to stress, exercise and aging in control and T. cruzi-infected rats.
- Role of altered blood properties in the propagation of ischemic blood flow: contribution of aging and oxidative stress
- Progress in the studies of the oxidative stress and mitochondrial DNA mutations with aging
- Oxidative stress, caloric restriction, and aging
- The effect of hight temperature stress aging on the fatigue strength of 2024/T alclad double row riveted single lap joints
- Effect of aging on peak systolic left ventricular wall stress in normal subjects
- Formation of 8-hydroxyguanine in DNA by aging and oxidative stress
- … of 18R long range ordered Cu-Zn-Al single crystals the temperature and strain rate dependence of the critical stress and the influence of dynamic strain aging
- aging and technological advances: Health and stress
- aging, Health, stress and Technology in the Work Context: Concepts and Issues
- aging study of optimized submicron n-MOSFET’s (DC, AC and alternating stress conditions): correlation between charge pumping and classical parameters
- Social support, stress, and depression: Measurement and analysis of social well-being, mental health, and quality of life in a context of aging and Chinese culture.
- aging and psychological stress
- Role of mitochondria in oxidative stress associated with aging and apoptosis: studies in intact cells
- Disturbances of homeostasis by heat stress or aging and its treatment with minidoses of MAO blockers
- Effect of aging on the general corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of uranium–6 wt% niobium alloy
- aging aggravates heterogeneities in cell-size and stress-intolerance of cardiac ventricular myocytes
- Accelerated aging behavior under a compressive stress of Metglas 2605S2 amorphous ribbons
- A back-stress-based rationale for creep behavior during dynamic aging
- stress Evolution in Electrodeposited Copper Metallization during Room-Temperature aging
- Effect of thermal aging on stress corrosion cracking of neutron-irradiated type 316 stainless steel in high temperature pure water
- Perceived stress and coping among adults caring for aging family members.
- Posttraumatic stress and aging in older survivors of remote trauma
- Drought and water stress in New York vineyards and the potential for atypical aging of New York wines
- Effect of physical aging on the stress and birefringence relaxation behaviors in polycarbonate glass
- aging, free radicals and stress
- aging under mechanical stress: first experiments and related simulations for a silver-based multilayer mirror
- Physical modification of nylons by stress–aging and blending
- Strain-aging under constant stress in vanadium
- The Prospects for Immunorestoration in the Treatment of Immuno-Deficiency Arising from aging or stress
- stress, the aging brain, and the mechanisms of neuron death
- aging of porcelain suspension insulators under mechanical and electrical stress on EHV AC lines
- Ceramide-driven stress signals in cancer and aging
- Oxidative stress and aging in colon carcinogenesis
- Mitochondrial DNA mutation, oxidative stress, and alteration of gene expression in human aging
- Effects of aging on cutaneous regional and superficial capillary blood flows during heat stress in the rat
- An empirical study on the mental health of elderly people based on an aging stress-support model.
- Analysis of Weak stress aging in Earth Dam
- Reliability Impact of Stockpile aging: stress Voiding
- Invigoration of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) seed by matriconditioning and its relationship with storability, dormancy, aging, stress tolerance and ethylene …
- Effects of Straining, aging, and stress-Relieving on Mechanical Properties of Steels for Arctic Service
- Relation between stress relaxation and aging resistance of rubber vulcanizates. II. Effect of copper in various accelerated stocks
- Low-temperature strain aging in In–Pb alloys under conditions of stress relaxation
- Experimental study on reliability and stress-free aging effects on hermetically coated fibers
- Longevity, stress response, and cancer in aging telomerase-deficient mice
- Effects of aging, thyrotropin releasing hormone and stress on plasma concentrations of growth hormone in the growing pigs
- stress-corrosion cracking, strain aging, and creep
- aging Characteristics of Polymer Lighting Arrester by Multi-stress Accelerated aging Test
- Role of telomerase in maintaining hematopoietic stem cell telomere length during replicative stress and aging
- Effect of aging, organ allografting, and surgical stress on rat thymus histidine decarboxylase activity
- Effect of aging on yield stress and corrosion resistance of die cast magnesium alloy
- MAO Inhibitors in aging: Can They Serve as Protective Agents in Cardiac Tissue Against Oxidative stress?
- Multi-stress aging Test Technology for Suspension Polymer Insulator
- Peptide methionine sulfoxide reductases in aging and oxidative stress
- to an Understanding of stress and aging
- Slow growth, stress response and aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Design limits for HT9 cladding using stress-induced aging data
- Multifactor stress aging of electrical insulation. Final report 1 Feb 89-30 Sep 90
- FRET and FLIM microscopy in the study of the role of oxidative stress and apoptosis in aging
- Study on the development of PD parameters during the process of multi-stress aging of stator winding
- Estimates of yield strength changes due to dislocation pinning and internal stress relaxation during aging of a ferrite-martensite dual-phase steel
- Reliability Evaluation Criteria and Multi-stress aging Test for Polymer Insulator
- Relation between stress Relaxation and aging Resistance of Rubber Vulcanizates. II. Effect of Copper in Various Accelerated Stocks
- Antioxidant mechanisms of ascorbate and (R)-α-lipoic acid in aging and transition metal ion-mediated oxidative stress
- Skeletal muscle protein oxidation and oxidative stress in exercise, immobilization and aging: possible mechanisms
- The Effect of stress aging on the Yield Strength of 250 Grade, 18 Percent Nickel Maraging Steel Sheet
- Vasopressin concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid and the structural indices of the function of the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system in aging and stress
- A study on the mechanical properties change by stress aging of 2.25 Cr-1Mo steel
- Relation between stress relaxation and aging resistance of rubber vulcanizates—some preliminary investigations
- stress, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function, and aging: focus on corticotropin-releasing factor
- Thin Films stress aging Study using Micromachined Cantilevers
- stress, Hormones, and aging
- Physical aging, Coreset Curl, and stress Relaxation of PETG Polyester
- Multi-stress aging of extruded insulation systems for transmission cables. Final report
- Ultrastructure of neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamic supraoptic nuclei of albino rats during nociceptive stress and aging
- Adult hippocampal cell birth and death in relation to stress, aging and the vasculature
- The effect of aging and cold working on the high-temperature low-cycle fatigue behavior of alloy 800H: Part I. The effect of hardening processes on the initial stress …
- aging and stress, Biology of
- Ozone-induced changes in the status of Rubisco in aging foliage of Populus and Quercus and the role of Rubisco in stress compensation
- Homeostatic Processes in Brain aging: The Role of Apoptosis, Inflammation, and Oxidative stress in Regulating Healthy Neural Circuitry in the aging Brain
- stress–aging and Its Effects on Tensile Properties of Some Stainless and Ultra-High-Strength Steels
- Role of NADPH and hydrogen peroxide in modulating oxidative stress and oocyte aging
- Increasing stress Resistance Often Postpones aging
- Overexpression of MnSOD reduces oxidative stress and pro‐apoptotic signaling in the aging mouse heart
- Ultrastructure of neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus in white rats following painful stress and during aging
- The effects of stress, aging and interleukin-1-beta on the content and release of pituitary hormones and hypothalamic neurotransmitters
- Effects of physical aging on the stress-strain and creep behaviors of lead free solders
- Oxidative stress and lipid catabolism during aging of potato seed-tubers
- CBP35-CBP67 interaction in stress response and aging
- Ubiquitin-independent degradation of oxidized proteins by the proteasome in oxidative stress, aging and disease
- 5 stress, Hormones, and aging
- Dynamic strain aging of zircaloy-4 PWR fuel cladding in biaxial stress state
- Mechanism of delaying aging process with optimal stress
- Theoretical analysis of stress relaxation measurements by bend tests for (Fe50Ni50) 1− xBx glasses: alloying effects on aging
- Introducing Professor Nikki Holbrook, stress signaling and aging section editor
- aging, corticosteroids and stress
- Public Enemy Number 1–stress: A Practical Guide to the Effects of stress and Nutrition on the aging Process and Life Extension
- A phenomenological aging model for combined thermal and electrical stress [comment and reply]
- Magnetic resonance studies of free radical-mediated oxidative stress in brain: Relevance to aging and Alzheimer’s disease, and other neurological disorders.
- Serial Review: Oxidative stress and aging
- Carbonyl stress in Molesular Biochimistry of aging
- aging female brain: is there a change of adaptive stress?
- Introduction to serial reviews on aging and oxidative stress
- stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility and aging Characteristics of Al-Zn-Mg-Ti Alloys
- stress Disorder in aging
- Method of testing thermal aging of materials under stress
- Regulation of the DREF Gene Expression by Oxidative stress and aging
- Effects of aging on the Hormonal Response to stress
- Effect of normal aging on atrial natriuretic factor and atrial pressures during postural and exercise stress
- Oxidative stress in Brain aging
- Oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in the aging phenomena
- stress, Immunity and aging. Edited by Edwin L. Cooper New York: Marcel Dekker 1984. Pp 314. SFr 166.
- Maximum stress, Brain Support, Anti-aging & More
- stress corrosion cracking in almar 362 mar-aging stainless steel.
- Improvement in the mechanical properties of steel N18K9M5T under the influence of applied stress during aging
- Role of Psychological Factors in the aging Process-stress and Self-Perceived Health as Predictors of aging
- Cognitive aging, stress and Pharmacological Intervention
- Caloric intake, oxidative stress and aging
- aging neurons–stress, the aging Brain and the Mechanism of Neuron Death by Robert M. Sapolsky
- Method for accelerated aging under combined environmental stress conditions
- Analysis of residual breakdown voltage versus aging time with cyclic bending stress for windings
- Oxidative stress and the Loss of Receptor Sensitivity in aging
- Ionizing radiation, aging, and chronic psychological stress
- stress and strain of aging innovators in the product development process
- The effect of proper stress on the aging mice^ behavior and immune function
- Cardiac genetic responses to stress and aging
- Molecular Inflammation and Oxidative stress as the Underlying Mechanism for the aging Process
- Mitochondrial oxidative stress as an underlying mechanism of murine aging.
- Invited Review: An Integrated View of Oxidative stress in aging: Basic Mechanisms, Functional Effects and Pathological Considerations
- stress, the aging Brain, and the Mechanisms of Neuron Death
- Test Plan to Update SRS HLW Tank Material Properties Database by Determining Synergistic Effects of Dynamic Strain aging and stress Corrosion Cracking (U …
- Oxidative stress, Cerebral aging and Longevity
- Strawberry or blueberry supplementation may protect against increased oxidative stress vulnerability from both irradiation and aging
- Oxidative stress and aging of the male reproductive tract
- aging and Post-traumatic stress Disorder.
- aging nickel alloy with low coefficient of expansion for thermical stress
- Re-examination of the glucocorticoid hypothesis of stress and aging
- On the aging Behaviors of the Magnetic stress Sensitivity of Very Fine Mo-Permalloy Ribbons for Memory Elements
- stress, The aging Brain and the Mechanisms of Neuron Death
- Early histochemical aging of arteries submitted to constant physical stress
- Effect of aging treatment on stress corrosion cracking behavior of alumina borate whisker reinforced aluminum composite
- Effects of swimming stress in water of different temperature on aging mechanism of mice
- The aging Heart: Its Function and Response to stress
- Effect of embrittlement on creep crack growth rate for W-added 12Cr ferritic heat resistant steel concerning multi-axial stress and aging
- stress Systems in aging–Cognitions and Dementia
- Conservation of Resources, stress, and aging
- Snoek mechanism and long range diffusion in Nb during aging under stress
- The effect of exercise training on behavior and oxidative stress in aging mice
- Involvement of Neurogranin in aging, Disease, and stress
- stress and Old Age: A Case of Black aging and Transplantation Shock.
- stress-assisted, microbial-induced corrosion of stainless steel primary piping and other aging issues at the Omega West Reactor
- Effect of Cold stress on Myocardium of aging Rat
- Sewers Under stress: A Comprehensive Approach to an aging Problem
- Bulk Moduli from Physical aging and stress Relaxation Data
- Reliability Impact of Stockpile aging: stress Voiding; TOPICAL
- Growth hormone booster attenuates memory impairment and oxidative stress in the genetic model of aging gene Klotho mutant mice
- aging is not accompanied by sympathetic hyperresponsiveness to environmental stress
- The effect of potential and aging on the Pb-assisted stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of alloy 22 gas tungsten arc-welded weldments
- The role of oxidative stress in cardiovascular changes with human aging
- The role of thioredoxin system in oxidative stress and cell aging
- Oxidative stress and aging processes in transgenic growth hormone mice.
- Role of Oxidative stress in aging of the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Unavailability of Systems with Time-Dependent Failure Rates and stress-Dependent aging
- Steroid Receptor Action in the Hippocampus in stress and aging
- The effects of matrix aging and residual stress changes on K3B/IM7 laminates
- Effect of Two-Step aging Treatment on the stress Corossion Cracking Resistance of 7050 Al Alloy
- Effects of aging on the Localized and stress Corrosion of AlLi 2090 Alloy in Deaerated 3.5% NaCl
- Deformation by aging under stress in Cu-Be Alloy Castings
- γ-irradiation-induced oxidative stress and aging of cultured endothelial cells
- Symposium synopsis: PNI and aging: Immune functions interact with stress, vulnerability, and resources in older populations
- stress, infection, and aging in guppies (Poecilia reticulata): An evolutionary approach
- Effects of straining, aging, and stress-relieving on mechanical properties of steels for Arctic service
- A comparison of MOSFETs aging under dc, ac and alternating stress conditions
- Effect of aging on resistance to oxidative stress in human endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs)
- A model of chronic situational stress and its effect on the rate of aging and the longevity of rats
- Contribution of Chinese prescription Kangen-karyu in the oxidative stress-related aging process
- Lens stress Forces in the aging Human Lens Anterior
- Role of oxidative stress in the vascular dysfunction related to hypertension and aging
- Expression Profile of aging and Oxidative stress Response in Drosophila melanogaster
- Evaluating Silicone Rubber Materials and Fillers for Outdoor Insulator Housings and Sheds in Accelerating aging of Environmental stress
- The Biological Axis of Senescence, stress, and aging as Construct for Cancer, Disease, and Death
- {gamma}-irradiation-induced oxidative stress and aging of cultured endothelial cells; stress oxydant et vieillissement vasculaire in vitro etude apres irradiation …
- Physical aging Rates of stress Relaxation in Miscible Polymer Blends
- Employment as a mediating factor on the psychological stress of middle-aged women caring for an aging parent.
- 3. ENVIRONMENT, stress AND aging
- Accelerated aging in combined stress environments.[Synergistic effects of thermal and radiation environments on Bacillus subtilis]
- Vasopressin concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid and the structural indices of the function of the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system in aging and stress
- Oxidative stress and aging: Edited by RG Cutler, L. Packer, J. Bertram and A. Mori, Birkhäuser Verlag; Basel, 1995; xii+ 396 pp. $124.00 (hb). ISBN 3‐7643 …
- Melatonin, Nitric Oxide Synthase and Oxidative stress: Implications in aging
- Effect of aging on the induction of stress protein in normal human skin.
- The Effect of aging and aging Under stress on the Tear Strength of Filled Natural Rubber Vulcanizates
- Effect of tempering in an external stress field on the structure of an aging Ni-V alloy
- Relation between stress Relaxation and aging Resistance of Rubber Vulcanizates. Some Preliminary Investigations
- Elevated-temperature Combined stress-rupture Plus Fatigue Strength of Waspaloy Having Having Different aging Treatments And/or Molybedenum Contents
- Lipid peroxidation, occupational stress and aging in workers of a prehospital emergency service
- aging and the skin blood flow response to the unloading of baroreceptors during heat and cold stress
- Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in human skeletal muscle: interaction of aging and physical activity
- Continuous stress relaxation and intermittent stress of diene vulcanizates during oxidative aging
- … of the microstructure of a weld of the same composition as X 20 CrMoV 12 1 by means of purely thermal aging and by aging under mechanical stress at 550 C
- Effects of thermal aging on stress Corrosion Cracking and mechanical properties of stainless steel weld metals
- The effect of stress relief heat treatment and strain aging on A737 Grade C pressure vessel steel.
- Conclusions for 3 years of study on the effect of drought stress and available nitrogen on formation of atypical aging flavor defect in wine
- The effect of swimming stress on the content of brain lipofuscin and the ability of learning and memory of aging mice
- Modulation of neurobiological correlates of hippocampal aging by corticosteroids and chronic stress
- Effect of aging on the plane stress/plane strain behavior of aluminum-lithium 2090 alloy
- aging and oxidative stress in epididymal spermatozoa of the Brown Norway rat
- Individual and interactive influence of temperature, stress, physical aging and moisture on creep, creep rupture and fracture of epoxy matrix and its composite.
- Effect of titanium additions on aging characteristics and stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of Al-Zn-Mg alloys
- Downregulation of telomerase by aging and oxidative stress in rat testis
- stress Corrosion Cracking of High Strength Al-Cu-Mg-Si Alloys after Two-Step aging
- Wasting Away: stress response keeps aging cells from fattening up (Fat cell formation)
- Tugging at Heartstrings: Protein associated with heart abnormalities and premature aging syndrome transmits mechanical stress to the nucleus
- Effects of exercise training, aging, gender and mental stress upon cardiac autonomic nervous function
- Comparative characterization of oxidative stress in some hereditary diseases differing in predisposition of neoplasms and early aging
- aging exacerbates stress-induced senescence in vascular smooth muscle cells during vascular remodeling
- Effect of stress on the fluidity of mitochondrial membrane in hippocampus of the aging mice induced by D-galactose
- Effect of aging on the dependence of fatigue crack growth behavior on mean stress (stress ratio) in the {beta}-titanium alloy: Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al
- Caloric restriction, oxidative stress and aging: Studies in red and white blood cells from rhesus monkeys
- Deformation and Fracture Mechanisms of Heat-Resistant Steels Due to Their Thermal aging Under Cyclic Loading in Condition of Complex stress State
- Investigation with the Oxidative stress Theory (The Free Radical Theory) of aging Neurobiology in the Experimental Spinal Cord Trauma Model: A Biochemical Study
- Test Plan to Update SRS High Level Waste Tank Material Properties Database by Determining Synergistic Effects of Dynamic Strain aging and stress Corrosion …
- … the universality of deformation mecha-nisms in phase transitions in solids, liquids biological, tissues (tumor growth, aging, adaptation to stress and medical treatment …
- stress Relieving of Cold Drawn Cu 1.8 wt.% Be by an aging Process
- Effect of crystallinity and crazing aging and residual stress on creep of kel canvas laminate and geon respectively interim report
- Modulation of angiogenesis in adult rat brain-effect of aging, stress, environmental enrichment and antidepressant treatment
- Enduring effects of chronic unpredictable stress in mid-aged rats on spatial learning and memory in aging
- Influence of Thermal aging on Primary Water stress Corrosion Cracking of Cast Austenitic Stainless Steels
- Cytoprotective Effect on Oxidative stress and Inhibitory Effect on Cellular aging of Terminalia chebula and Uncaria sinensis
- Influence of thermal aging on primary water stress corrosion cracking of cast duplex stainless steels
- Regulation of small-conductance, calcium-activated potassium channels (SK) in mouse brain in response to aging and stress
- Proteomic, transcriptomic, signal transduction and functional studies of stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS) & potential role of SIPS in human aging
- Effect of aging on heart tolerance toward anoxia stress and protective effects of SOD, ATP and Sini Decoction (SD) on heart
- … yeast has revealed that a protein complex known to play an essential role in transcriptional silencing at mating-type loci and telomeres also controls aging and stress …
- … , PJ, Eds. Dementia and aging: Ethics, Values, and Policy Choices, 120 Carlier, IVE, and Gersons, BPR Brief report. Partial posttrau-matic stress disorder (PFSD): The …
- Role of the cellular stress response in the biogenesis of redox-active astrocytic inclusions in the aging nervous system
- Heterotypic cell interactions between stress-induced prematurely senescent mammary stroma and neighboring epithelial cells in aging and breast cancer
- Influence of thermal aging on primary water stress corrosion cracking of cast duplex stainless steel (second report). Consideration on fractography after slow strain rate …
- Flow stress at Low Temperatures and Strain aging of High Cr-Fe Alloys with Small Amounts of C and N
- Importance of the Lon protease in mitochondrial protein turnover and cellular bioenergetics during oxidative stress and aging
- … animal studies of the effects of “han-dling” and prematal stress on lifelong patterns of stress hormone reactivity, emo-tionality and brain aging (Barbazanges, Vallee, et …
- Relationship between the pre-straining and the induced stress in the AISI 304 steel strain aging; Relacao entre a pre-deformacao ea tensao induzida no …
- Properties of the AK4-1 alloy after additional aging under stress
- Antioxidant effect of EGb 761 on aging and oxidative stress
- The antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD-4 ) in oxidative stress and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
- 84. Contribution of oxidative stress to increased fibrinogen during human aging
- Oxidative stress and aging.
- The aging stress response
- aging and glycoxidant stress
- The stress of aging
- Relationship of electrophilic stress to aging
- Oxidative stress, aging, and central nervous system disease in the canine model of human brain aging
- mTOR signalling: the molecular interface connecting metabolic stress, aging and cardiovascular diseases
- Prognostics approach for power MOSFET under thermal-stress aging
- Biological mechanisms of disease and death in Moscow: rationale and design of the survey on stress aging and Health in Russia (SAHR)
- Psychological and metabolic stress: a recipe for accelerated cellular aging?
- The role of oxidative stress in the aging process
- UV, stress and aging
- Oxidative stress and aberrant signaling in aging and cognitive decline
- An integrated view of oxidative stress in aging: basic mechanisms, functional effects, and pathological considerations
- Update on the oxidative stress theory of aging: does oxidative stress play a role in aging or healthy aging?
- Frontiers in the use of biomarkers of health in research on stress and aging
- The redox stress hypothesis of aging
- Oxidative stress and vascular inflammation in aging
- aging-related oxidative stress in healthy humans
- The role of COX-2 and Nrf2/ARE in anti-inflammation and antioxidative stress: aging and anti-aging
- Oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and aging
- The role of stress factors during aging of the immune system
- stress, inflammation, and aging
- p53, oxidative stress, and aging
- aging and stress: past hypotheses, present approaches and perspectives
- Gene expression changes in response to aging compared to heat stress, oxidative stress and ionizing radiation in Drosophila melanogaster
- stress, aging and reliability of antioxidant enzyme defense
- Concurrent phase separation and clustering in the ferrite phase during low temperature stress aging of duplex stainless steel weldments
- Oxidative stress in aging-matters of the heart and mind
- Oxidative stress and the aging brain: From theory to prevention.
- Environmental-induced oxidative stress in neurodegenerative disorders and aging
- Social context, stress, and plasticity of aging
- Age identity in context: stress and the subjective side of aging
- The sirtuins, oxidative stress and aging: an emerging link
- Low-frequency dielectric response of epoxy-mica insulated generator bars during multi-stress aging
- Markers of oxidant stress that are clinically relevant in aging and age-related disease
- Oxidative stress-related aging: A role for prostate cancer?
- Depression gets old fast: do stress and depression accelerate cell aging?
- Protein stress and stress proteins: implications in aging and disease
- Oxidative stress and aging prevention
- Do US black women experience stress-related accelerated biological aging?
- stress proteins in aging and life span
- Is the oxidative stress theory of aging dead?
- Interactive effects of stress and aging on structural plasticity in the prefrontal cortex
- The heat shock response: systems biology of proteotoxic stress in aging and disease
- Yeast stress, aging, and death
- The speedometer of life: stress, health and aging
- Basic biology of skeletal aging: role of stress response pathways
- Oxidative stress action in cellular aging
- Markers of oxidative stress in erythrocytes and plasma during aging in humans
- Oxidative stress, inflamm-aging and immunosenescence
- Sirt1 regulates aging and resistance to oxidative stress in the heart
- The endoplasmic reticulum stress response in aging and age-related diseases
- aging, oxidative stress and antioxidants
- Proteomic quantification and identification of carbonylated proteins upon oxidative stress and during cellular aging
- The endoplasmic reticulum stress response and aging
- HPA axis responsiveness to stress: implications for healthy aging
- Oxidative stress in aging: theoretical outcomes and clinical evidences in humans
- Influence of physical exercise on neuroimmunological functioning and health: aging and stress
- stress-response hormesis and aging:“that which does not kill us makes us stronger”
- stress-activated cap’n’collar transcription factors in aging and human disease
- Intrinsic skin aging: the role of oxidative stress
- Oxidative stress and aging
- Oxidative stress, mitochondrial DNA mutation, and apoptosis in aging
- Effects of stress on health and aging: Two paradoxes
- Glycation stress and photo-aging in skin
- Proteotoxic stress and inducible chaperone networks in neurodegenerative disease and aging
- Influence of elastic tensile stress on aging process in an Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy
- Oxidative stress response elicited by mitochondrial dysfunction: implication in the pathophysiology of aging
- Lysosomes and oxidative stress in aging and apoptosis
- Sirt1 protects the heart from aging and stress
- Crosstalk between oxidative stress and SIRT1: impact on the aging process
- Coenzyme Q, oxidative stress and aging
- Regulation of proteasome-mediated protein degradation during oxidative stress and aging
- Oxidative stress and aging: is methylglyoxal the hidden enemy?
- DNA replication stress, genome instability and aging
- From estrogen-centric to aging and oxidative stress: a revised perspective of the pathogenesis of osteoporosis
- Oxidative stress in aging: from model systems to human diseases
- ER and aging—protein folding and the ER stress response
- Regulation of HSF1 Function in the Heat stress Response: Implications in aging and Disease
- Sestrins at the crossroad between stress and aging
- Redox regulation of cellular stress response in aging and neurodegenerative disorders: role of vitagenes
- Oxidative stress and aging: the potential role of iron
- Markers of oxidative stress in erythrocytes during aging in humans
- Worms under stress: C. elegans stress response and its relevance to complex human disease and aging
- The SODyssey: superoxide dismutases from biochemistry, through proteomics, to oxidative stress, aging and nutraceuticals
- Endothelial aging associated with oxidative stress can be modulated by a healthy mediterranean diet
- Cardiac mitochondrial bioenergetics, oxidative stress, and aging
- Systemic oxidative stress associated with the neurological diseases of aging
- Neuroinflammation associated with aging sensitizes the brain to the effects of infection or stress
- Psychological stress in childhood and susceptibility to the chronic diseases of aging: moving toward a model of behavioral and biological mechanisms.
- Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress activate inflammasomes: impact on the aging process and age-related diseases
- Mitochondrial stress signals revise an old aging theory
- Chronic pain, perceived stress, and cellular aging: an exploratory study
- stress and exercise: Getting the balance right for aging immunity
- Prospective study of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and coronary heart disease in the Normative aging Study
- The role of oxidative stress in nervous system aging
- stress and glucocorticoid contributions to normal and pathological aging.
- Response to the increase of oxidative stress and mutation of mitochondrial DNA in aging
- Long-term exercise treatment reduces oxidative stress in the hippocampus of aging rats
- Cardiac aging in mice and humans: the role of mitochondrial oxidative stress
- Oxidative stress and autophagy in cardiac disease, neurological disorders, aging and cancer
- stress contributes to the development of central insulin resistance during aging: implications for Alzheimer’s disease
- Proactive aging: A longitudinal study of stress, resources, agency, and well-being in late life
- Circulating glycotoxins and dietary advanced glycation endproducts: two links to inflammatory response, oxidative stress, and aging
- Role of oxidative stress from mitochondria on aging and cancer
- A mouse model of ATR-Seckel shows embryonic replicative stress and accelerated aging
- The oxidative stress theory of aging: embattled or invincible? Insights from non-traditional model organisms
- Redox homeostasis and cellular stress response in aging and neurodegeneration
- Effect of pre-strain and two-step aging on microstructure and stress corrosion cracking of 7050 alloy
- The importance of plasma membrane coenzyme Q in aging and stress responses
- ER stress and hormetic regulation of the aging process
- Cell stress and aging: new emphasis on multiplex resistance mechanisms
- stress appraisals and cellular aging: A key role for anticipatory threat in the relationship between psychological stress and telomere length
- Can meditation slow rate of cellular aging? Cognitive stress, mindfulness, and telomeres
- Oxidized mitochondrial protein degradation and repair in aging and oxidative stress
- Hormesis, cellular stress response and vitagenes as critical determinants in aging and longevity
- Comparative studies of oxidative stress and mitochondrial function in aging
- aging affects the cardiovascular responses to cold stress in humans
- Childhood maltreatment and telomere shortening: preliminary support for an effect of early stress on cellular aging
- Oxidative stress, mitochondrial bioenergetics, and cardiolipin in aging
- Cellular stress responses, hormetic phytochemicals and vitagenes in aging and longevity
- Mouse models of oxidative stress indicate a role for modulating healthy aging
- Dysregulated neuronal–microglial cross-talk during aging, stress and inflammation
- … of the mitochondrial Lon Protease allows adaptation to acute oxidative stress but dysregulation is associated with chronic stress, disease, and aging
- Role of oxidative stress and AT1 receptors in cerebral vascular dysfunction with aging
- stress response and aging
- aging under stress in polymer glasses
- Environmental enrichment, prefrontal cortex, stress, and aging of the brain
- stress and aging induce distinct polyQ protein aggregation states
- Curcumin ameliorates arterial dysfunction and oxidative stress with aging
- Continuous oxidative stress due to activation of polyamine catabolism accelerates aging and protects against hepatotoxic insults
- Translational research involving oxidative stress and diseases of aging
- Oxidative stress and accelerated vascular aging: implications for cigarette smoking
- Impact of ACE2 deficiency and oxidative stress on cerebrovascular function with aging
- PPARγ and stress: implications for aging
- Exploring the role of genetic variability and lifestyle in oxidative stress response for healthy aging and longevity
- Direct evidence of endothelial oxidative stress with aging in humans: relation to impaired endothelium-dependent dilation and upregulation of nuclear factor-κB
- Psychological stress and skin aging: a review of possible mechanisms and potential therapies
- Mitochondrial dysfunction in brain aging: role of oxidative stress and cardiolipin
- Mild stress and healthy aging: applying hormesis in aging research and interventions
- Magnetorheology in an aging, yield stress matrix fluid
- Replicative stress, stem cells and aging
- Exercise and immobilization in aging animals: the involvement of oxidative stress and NF-κB activation
- Cellular stress response: a novel target for chemoprevention and nutritional neuroprotection in aging, neurodegenerative disorders and longevity
- Against the oxidative damage theory of aging: superoxide dismutases protect against oxidative stress but have little or no effect on life span in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Vascular aging: chronic oxidative stress and impairment of redox signaling—consequences for vascular homeostasis and disease
- Analysis of strengthening in AA6111 during the early stages of aging: Atom probe tomography and yield stress modelling
- Hormetic effects of regular exercise in aging: correlation with oxidative stress
- Deficient synthesis of glutathione underlies oxidative stress in aging and can be corrected by dietary cysteine and glycine supplementation–
- Vascular oxidative stress in aging: a homeostatic failure due to dysregulation of NRF2-mediated antioxidant response
- Adaptogens in medical herbalism: elite herbs and natural compounds for mastering stress, aging, and chronic disease
- Oxidative stress and expression of chaperones in aging mollusks
- Psychological stress and aging: role of glucocorticoids (GCs)
- Carbonyl stress in aging process: role of vitamins and phytochemicals as redox regulators
- Oxidative stress activates a specific p53 transcriptional response that regulates cellular senescence and aging
- Effect of aging on cardiac function during cold stress in humans
- 17β-Estradiol, aging, inflammation, and the stress response in the female heart
- Protective role of tea catechins on erythrocytes subjected to oxidative stress during human aging
- Allotment gardening and other leisure activities for stress reduction and healthy aging
- aging increases mitochondrial DNA damage and oxidative stress in liver of rhesus monkeys
- Mitochondrial oxidative stress caused by Sod2 deficiency promotes cellular senescence and aging phenotypes in the skin
- Mitochondrial dysfunction during brain aging: role of oxidative stress and modulation by antioxidant supplementation
- Carnosinase levels in aging brain: redox state induction and cellular stress response
- Effects of stress hormones on the brain and cognition: Evidence from normal to pathological aging
- Long-term effects of increased glucose entry on mouse hearts during normal aging and ischemic stress
- Characteristics of high voltage polymer insulator under accelerated artificial tropical climate multi stress aging
- Survival responses to oxidative stress and aging
- aging is associated with hypoxia and oxidative stress in adipose tissue: implications for adipose function
- Oxidative stress accumulates in adipose tissue during aging and inhibits adipogenesis
- Effects of the association of aging and obesity on lipids, lipoproteins and oxidative stress biomarkers: a comparison of older with young men
- B6D2F1 Mice Are a Suitable Model of Oxidative stress–Mediated Impaired Endothelium-Dependent Dilation With aging
- Evolution of stress and deformations in high-temperature polymer matrix composites during thermo-oxidative aging
- Chronic stress, allostatic load, and aging in nonhuman primates
- The effects of perceived stress and attitudes toward menopause and aging on symptoms of menopause
- Long-term potentiation at CA3–CA1 hippocampal synapses with special emphasis on aging, disease, and stress
- Chrononutrition against oxidative stress in aging
- Accumulation of mutants in “aging” bacterial colonies is due to growth under selection, not stress-induced mutagenesis
- Comparing the yeast retrograde response and NF‐κB stress responses: implications for aging
- stress‐associated H 3 K 4 methylation accumulates during postnatal development and aging of rhesus macaque brain
- Does cellular aging relate to patterns of allostasis?: An examination of basal and stress reactive HPA axis activity and telomere length
- Respiratory function decline and DNA mutation in mitochondria, oxidative stress and altered gene expression during aging
- Accelerated fat cell aging links oxidative stress and insulin resistance in adipocytes
- Psychological stress and reproductive aging among pre-menopausal women
- stress responses, vitagenes and hormesis as critical determinants in aging and longevity: Mitochondria as a “chi”
- Interaction of stress, lead burden, and age on cognition in older men: the VA Normative aging Study
- Rule-based cell systems model of aging using feedback loop motifs mediated by stress responses
- Influence of quenching and aging on residual stress in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy 7449
- Oxidative stress and mitochondrial protein quality control in aging
- Evolution of grain boundary precipitates in Al 7075 upon aging and correlation with stress corrosion cracking behavior
- Oxidative stress contributes to aging by enhancing pancreatic angiogenesis and insulin signaling
- Effect of homogenization and aging treatment on mechanical properties and stress-corrosion cracking of 7050 alloys
- aging of alkali-resistant glass and basalt fibers in alkaline solutions: Evaluation of the failure stress by Weibull distribution function
- stress relaxation in aging soft colloidal glasses
- The human tripeptide GHK-Cu in prevention of oxidative stress and degenerative conditions of aging: implications for cognitive health
- Endoplasmic reticulum stress in wake‐active neurons progresses with aging
- The aging kidney: role of endothelial oxidative stress and inflammation
- A model of premature aging in mice based on altered stress-related behavioral response and immunosenescence
- Evidence for premature aging due to oxidative stress in iPSCs from Cockayne syndrome
- The effect of aging on the relaxation of residual stress in cast aluminum
- Oxidative stress, telomere length and biomarkers of physical aging in a cohort aged 79 years from the 1932 Scottish Mental Survey
- Roles of amyloid precursor protein family members in neuroprotection, stress signaling and aging
- Does aging make employees more resilient to job stress? Age as a moderator in the job stressor–well-being relationship in three Finnish occupational samples
- α-Tocotrienol quinone modulates oxidative stress response and the biochemistry of aging
- The effects of aging on the cyclic stress-strain behavior and hysteresis loop evolution of lead free solders
- Nuclear mechanotransduction: response of the lamina to extracellular stress with implications in aging
- Hyperactive S6K1 mediates oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in aging: inhibition by resveratrol
- NADPH oxidase and aging drive microglial activation, oxidative stress, and dopaminergic neurodegeneration following systemic LPS administration
- Soy isoflavones attenuate oxidative stress and improve parameters related to aging and Alzheimer’s disease in C57BL/6J mice treated with D-galactose
- Oxidative stress and skeletal muscle dysfunction with aging
- p66Shc, oxidative stress and aging: importing a lifespan determinant into mitochondria
- Oxidative stress and inflammation: hypothesis for the mechanism of aging
- stress photo‐oxidative aging behaviour of polyamide 6
- Prediction of flow stress in dynamic strain aging regime of austenitic stainless steel 316 using artificial neural network
- aging exacerbates obesity-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in perivascular adipose tissue in mice: a paracrine mechanism contributing to vascular redox …
- Elevation by oxidative stress and aging of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity in rats and its prevention by vitamin E
- Logarithmic relaxation and stress aging in the electron glass
- Effects of aging on stress-induced martensitic transformation in ductile Cu–Al–Mn-based shape memory alloys
- Assessing late-onset stress symptomatology among aging male combat veterans
- FoxO3a regulates hematopoietic homeostasis through a negative feedback pathway in conditions of stress or aging
- Dynamic chromatin localization of Sirt6 shapes stress-and aging-related transcriptional networks
- Ca2+ signaling, mitochondria and sensitivity to oxidative stress in aging astrocytes
- Traffic-related air pollution and QT interval: modification by diabetes, obesity, and oxidative stress gene polymorphisms in the normative aging study
- Accelerated aging in major depression: the role of nitro-oxidative stress
- Insulin regulates aging and oxidative stress in Anopheles stephensi
- Sevoflurane induces endoplasmic reticulum stress mediated apoptosis in hippocampal neurons of aging rats
- Prognostics of power MOSFETs under thermal stress accelerated aging using data-driven and model-based methodologies
- Differential regulation of proteasome functionality in reproductive vs. somatic tissues of Drosophila during aging or oxidative stress
- “Doing” gardening and “being” at the allotment site: Exploring the benefits of allotment gardening for stress reduction and healthy aging
- Hippocampal volume in aging combat veterans with and without post-traumatic stress disorder: relation to risk and resilience factors
- Potential ergogenic effects of L-arginine against oxidative and inflammatory stress induced by acute exercise in aging rats
- … oxidative stress in cancer-associated fibroblasts drives lactate production, promoting breast cancer tumor growth: understanding the aging and cancer connection
- aging augments mitochondrial susceptibility to heat stress
- Protective role of chrysin against oxidative stress in d‐galactose‐induced aging in an experimental rat model
- Examining the aging process through the stress-coping framework: Application to driving cessation in later life
- Melatonin prevents oxidative stress and changes in antioxidant enzyme expression and activity in the liver of aging rats
- Relationship between oxidative and occupational stress and aging in nurses of an intensive care unit
- Ovarian hormones, aging and stress on hippocampal synaptic plasticity
- Alagebrium chloride protects the heart against oxidative stress in aging rats
- Cellular stress responses, mitostress and carnitine insufficiencies as critical determinants in aging and neurodegenerative disorders: role of hormesis and vitagenes
- Cellular stress and protein misfolding during aging
- The exercise-induced stress response in skeletal muscle: failure during aging
- stress as a potential modifier of the impact of lead levels on blood pressure: the normative aging study
- aging increases oxidative stress and renal expression of oxidant and antioxidant enzymes that are associated with an increased trend in systolic blood pressure
- stress profiling of longevity mutants identifies Afg3 as a mitochondrial determinant of cytoplasmic mRNA translation and aging
- MnSOD deficiency results in elevated oxidative stress and decreased mitochondrial function but does not lead to muscle atrophy during aging
- The ASK1-Signalosome regulates p38 MAPK activity in response to levels of endogenous oxidative stress in the Klotho mouse models of aging
- Heterogeneity of neuroendocrine stress responses in aging rat strains
- aging analysis reveals slowed tau turnover and enhanced stress response in a mouse model of tauopathy
- Do stress trajectories predict mortality in older men? Longitudinal findings from the VA normative aging study
- aging brain: prevention of oxidative stress by vitamin E and exercise
- Heat stress and hormetin-induced hormesis in human cells: effects on aging, wound healing, angiogenesis, and differentiation
- Oxidative stress-induced JNK activation contributes to proinflammatory phenotype of aging diabetic mesangial cells
- Aberrant insulin receptor signaling and amino acid homeostasis as a major cause of oxidative stress in aging
- Dietary iron concentration may influence aging process by altering oxidative stress in tissues of adult rats
- A long-term high-fat diet increases oxidative stress, mitochondrial damage and apoptosis in the inner ear of D-galactose-induced aging rats
- Oxidative proteome modifications target specific cellular pathways during oxidative stress, cellular senescence and aging
- Study of trap states in polyspirobifluorene based devices: Influence of aging by electrical stress
- “SR stress” in mixed hindlimb muscles of aging male rats
- Effects of an enriched environment on the release of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex produced by stress and on working memory during aging in the awake rat
- aging and Oxidative stress: A New Look at Old Bone.
- Fructose and glucose differentially affect aging and carbonyl/oxidative stress parameters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells
- Accelerated aging during chronic oxidative stress: a role for PARP-1
- aging-associated oxidative stress modulates the acute inflammatory response in skeletal muscle after contusion injury
- aging in a colloidal glass in creep flow: Time-stress superposition
- Cellular stress from excitatory neurotransmission contributes to cholesterol loss in hippocampal neurons aging in vitro
- Kainate-induced seizures, oxidative stress and neuronal loss in aging rats
- aging diurnal rhythms and chronic stress: Distinct alteration of diurnal rhythmicity of salivary α-amylase and cortisol
- Protective Effect of Selenoarginine against Oxidative stress in d-Galactose-Induced aging Mice
- stress and aging minimization in photoplastic AFM probes
- 8-Oxo-7, 8-dihydroguanine: links to gene expression, aging, and defense against oxidative stress
- A comprehensive review of biochemical and molecular evidences from animal and human studies on the role of oxidative stress in aging: an epiphenomenon or the …
- Oxidative stress-induced changes in pyridine nucleotides and chemoattractant 5-lipoxygenase products in aging neutrophils
- Methionine sulfoxide reductase B in the endoplasmic reticulum is critical for stress resistance and aging in Drosophila
- Oxidative stress induces apolipoprotein D overexpression in hippocampus during aging and Alzheimer’s disease
- Caloric restriction improves endothelial dysfunction during vascular aging: Effects on nitric oxide synthase isoforms and oxidative stress in rat aorta
- Oxidative stress caused by blocking of mitochondrial Complex I H+ pumping as a link in aging/disease vicious cycle
- Physical aging of polymer films quenched and measured free-standing via ellipsometry: controlling stress imparted by thermal expansion mismatch between film and …
- Osmopriming improves tomato seed vigor under aging and salinity stress
- Effect of compressive stress aging on transformation strain and microstructure of Ni-rich TiNi alloy
- Nonlinear microrheology of an aging, yield stress fluid using magnetic tweezers
- Muscle aging and oxidative stress in wild-caught shrews
- Plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPases: Targets of oxidative stress in brain aging and neurodegeneration
- Comparative multi stress aging of thermoplastic elastomeric and silicone rubber insulators in Pakistan
- Inflammation and oxidative stress as biomarkers of premature aging in persons with intellectual disability
- Chronic green tea catechins administration prevents oxidative stress-related brain aging in C57BL/6J mice
- Depressive symptomatology, psychological stress, and ovarian reserve: a role for psychological factors in ovarian aging?
- stress and aging: A biological double jeopardy?
- Evolution of the tension/compression and shear cyclic stress-strain behavior of lead-free solder subjected to isothermal aging
- Neocortex and Allocortex Respond Differentially to Cellular stress In Vitro and aging In Vivo
- Erythrocyte sialic acid content during aging in humans: correlation with markers of oxidative stress
- Oxidative stress in testis of animals during aging with and without reproductive activity
- Anaerobic vs aerobic pathways of carbonyl and oxidant stress in human lens and skin during aging and in diabetes: A comparative analysis
- Environmental enrichment reduces the response to stress of the cholinergic system in the prefrontal cortex during aging
- Oxidative stress and chronological aging in glycogen-phosphorylase-deleted yeast
- Earlier stress exposure and subsequent major depression in aging women
- Exposure to 16O-Particle Radiation Causes aging-Like Decrements in Rats through Increased Oxidative stress, Inflammation and Loss of Autophagy
- aging increases basal but not stress-induced levels of corticosterone in the brain of the awake rat
- Testing the oxidative stress hypothesis of aging in primate fibroblasts: is there a correlation between species longevity and cellular ROS production?
- Peripheral biomarkers of oxidative stress in aging and Alzheimer’s disease
- A role of fatty acids in the development of oxidative stress in aging. A hypothesis
- … -specific knockdown of IGF-1 decreases vascular oxidative stress resistance by impairing the Nrf2-dependent antioxidant response: a novel model of vascular aging
- aging results in increased autophagy of mitochondria and protein nitration in rat hepatocytes following heat stress
- Impaired cardiac SIRT1 activity by carbonyl stress contributes to aging-related ischemic intolerance
- Red wine polyphenols improve an established aging-related endothelial dysfunction in the mesenteric artery of middle-aged rats: role of oxidative stress
- Role of oxidative stress and adenosine nucleotides in the liver of aging rats.
- Mitochondria impairment correlates with increased sensitivity of aging RPE cells to oxidative stress
- Vitamin D: oxidative stress, immunity, and aging
- The chronic stress of caregiving accelerates the natural aging of the immune system
- Oxidative stress and aging in the NematodeCaenorhabditis elegans
- Oxidative stress in the brain of reproductive male rats during aging
- Does the oxidative stress theory of aging explain longevity differences in birds? II. Antioxidant systems and oxidative damage
- Effects of aging and hypercholesterolemia on oxidative stress and DNA damage in bone marrow mononuclear cells in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice
- N-glycosylation profiling of plasma provides evidence for accelerated physiological aging in post-traumatic stress disorder
- Psychoneuromicrobiology: cytomegalovirus infection as a putative link between stress, aging, and immunity
- Loss of adaptation to oxidative stress as a mechanism for aortic damage in aging rats
- Effects of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder on metabolic risk, quality of life, and stress hormones in aging former refugee children
- Role of oxidative stress in skin aging
- The ATM cofactor ATMIN protects against oxidative stress and accumulation of DNA damage in the aging brain
- A role for dicer in aging and stress survival
- … serum veritas—in serum sanitas? Cell non-autonomous aging compromises differentiation and survival of mesenchymal stromal cells via the oxidative stress …
- An electrochemical framework to explain the intergranular stress corrosion behavior in two Al–Cu–Mg–Ag alloys as a function of aging
- Grape-derived polyphenols improve aging-related endothelial dysfunction in rat mesenteric artery: role of oxidative stress and the angiotensin system
- Strained coherent interface energy of the Guinier–Preston II phase in Al–Cu during stress aging
- Chronic stress in adulthood followed by intermittent stress impairs spatial memory and the survival of newborn hippocampal cells in aging animals: prevention by FGL …
- Rac1 modulates acute and subacute genotoxin-induced hepatic stress responses, fibrosis and liver aging
- Alteration in flow (shear stress)-induced remodelling in rat resistance arteries with aging: improvement by a treatment with hydralazine
- Prefrontal cortex, caloric restriction and stress during aging: studies on dopamine and acetylcholine release, BDNF and working memory
- Anti-aging effects of cyanidin under a stress-induced premature senescence cellular system
- Does the oxidative stress theory of aging explain longevity differences in birds? I. Mitochondrial ROS production
- Testing Predictions of the Oxidative stress Hypothesis of aging Using a Novel Invertebrate Model of Longevity: The Giant Clam (Tridacna Derasa)
- … of tyrosine kinase B activity by the Cyp46/cholesterol loss pathway in mature hippocampal neurons: relevance for neuronal survival under stress and in aging
- The aging myostatin null phenotype: reduced adiposity, cardiac hypertrophy, enhanced cardiac stress response, and sexual dimorphism
- 8-hydroxyguanine in urine and serum as an oxidative stress marker: effects of diabetes and aging
- Hippocampal CA1 transcriptional profile of sleep deprivation: relation to aging and stress
- Effect of long term aging on microstructure and stress rupture properties of a nickel based single crystal superalloy
- stress‐mediated hormetic modulation of aging, wound healing, and angiogenesis in human cells
- Autophagy following heat stress: the role of aging and protein nitration
- Evaluating liquefaction potential by seismic dilatometer (SDMT) accounting for aging/stress history
- Effect of aging and oxidative stress on elongation factor-2 in hypothalamus and hypophysis
- The role of oxidative stress in skin aging
- Early and late-onset effect of chronic stress on vascular function in mice: a possible model of the impact of depression on vascular disease in aging
- aging well in an upscale retirement community: The relationships among perceived stress, mattering, and wellness
- Effect of aging under compressive stress along [100] in Co–Ni–Ga single crystals
- Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in Down’s syndrome: relevance to aging and dementia
- Anti-aging effects and mechanisms of kimchi during fermentation under stress-induced premature senescence cellular system
- Effects of a growth hormone-releasing hormone antagonist on telomerase activity, oxidative stress, longevity, and aging in mice
- Posttraumatic stress disorder and aging
- A novel origin for granulovacuolar degeneration in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: parallels to stress granules
- Isothermal physical aging characterization of Polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) and Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) films by creep and stress relaxation
- Linking Lysosomal Trafficking Defects with Changes in aging and stress Response in Drosophila
- Norepinephrine treatment and aging lead to systemic and intracellular oxidative stress in rats
- Protective role of Psoralea corylifolia L. seed extract against hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction induced by oxidative stress or aging
- Interactions between injury, stress resistance, reproduction, and aging in Drosophila melanogaster
- The role of glyoxalases for sugar stress and aging, with relevance for dyskinesia, anxiety, dementia and Parkinson’s disease
- Mechanistic insights into aging, cell-cycle progression, and stress response
- Shear rejuvenation, aging and shear banding in yield stress fluids
- The effect of aging on the DNA damage and repair capacity in 2BS cells undergoing oxidative stress
- Considerations for sampling time in research on aging: Examples from research on stress and cognition.
- Dysregulation of hepatic iron with aging: implications for heat stress-induced oxidative liver injury
- Premature aging with impaired oxidative stress defense in mice lacking TR4
- aging-related changes in cutaneous corticotropin-releasing hormone system reflect a defective neuroendocrine-stress response in aging
- Effect of Hf on stress rupture properties of DD6 single crystal superalloy after long term aging
- aging linked to type 2 diabetes increases oxidative stress and chronic inflammation
- Modeling of Ni4Ti3 precipitation during stress-free and stress-assisted aging of bi-crystalline NiTi shape memory alloys
- Telomere, DNA damage, and oxidative stress in stem cell aging
- Effects of aging on activity of the prefrontal cortex and autonomic nervous system during mental stress task
- Hematopoietic stem cells lacking Ott1 display aspects associated with aging and are unable to maintain quiescence during proliferative stress
- Effect of thermal and hygrothermal aging on the plane stress fracture toughness of poly (ethylene terephthalate) sheets
- Oxidative stress during aging of the yeast in a stationary culture and its attenuation by antioxidants
- Effect of mean stress and stress amplitude on the ratcheting behaviour of 316LN stainless steel under dynamic strain aging regime
- … ‐dependent senescent phenotype of lens epithelial cells as a biological marker of aging and cataractogenesis: the role of oxidative stress intensity and specific …
- Measuring stress next to Au ball bond during high temperature aging
- aging impairs the expression of the catalytic subunit of glutamate cysteine ligase in soleus muscle under stress
- Why do older men report low stress ratings? Findings from the Veterans Affairs Normative aging Study
- Expression pattern of oxidative stress and antioxidant defense-related genes in the aging Fischer 344/NHsd rat cochlea
- A role of phosphatidylserine externalization in clearance of erythrocytes exposed to stress but not in eliminating aging populations of erythrocyte in mice
- The influence of aging treatments on sulfide stress corrosion cracking of PH 13-8 Mo steel welds
- Activation of the Hog1p kinase in Isc1p-deficient yeast cells is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress sensitivity and premature aging
- The role of α-tocopherol in motor hypofunction with aging in α-tocopherol transfer protein knockout mice as assessed by oxidative stress biomarkers
- DNA damage and DNA replication stress in yeast models of aging
- Thioredoxin, oxidative stress, cancer and aging
- Analysis of aging-related oxidative stress status in normal aging animals and development of anti-aging interventions
- Using Drosophila melanogaster to study the positive effects of mild stress on aging
- Testing hypotheses of aging in long-lived mice of the genus Peromyscus: association between longevity and mitochondrial stress resistance, ROS …
- The effects of aging on indices of oxidative stress and apoptosis in the female Fischer 344/Nnia X Brown Norway/BiNia rat heart
- … in space-flight, aviation and railway engine operators, for the prevention and treatment of oxidative stress, immunological impairment, and pre-mature cell aging
- Cerebrovascular expression of proteins related to inflammation, oxidative stress and neurotoxicity is altered with aging
- Proteasome alterations during adipose differentiation and aging: links to impaired adipocyte differentiation and development of oxidative stress
- Low in vivo brain glucose consumption and high oxidative stress in accelerated aging
- Estradiol valerate and tibolone: effects upon brain oxidative stress and blood biochemistry during aging in female rats
- Gene expression profiling of oxidative stress response of C. elegans aging defective AMPK mutants using massively parallel transcriptome sequencing
- Effect of aging on 24-hour pattern of stress hormones and leptin in rats
- Markers of oxidative stress and aging in Duchene muscular dystrophy patients and the possible ameliorating effect of He: Ne laser
- Oxidative stress in growth hormone transgenic coho salmon with compressed lifespan–a model for addressing aging
- Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and enzymes of the glutathione-dependent antioxidant system during stress and aging
- Estimation of long-term creep behavior of polycarbonate by stress-time superposition and effects of physical aging
- Influence of aging on the sleep rebound induced by immobilization stress in the rat
- Oxidative stress in the aging murine olfactory bulb: redox proteomics and cellular localization
- Cytomegalovirus antibodies in dried blood spots: a minimally invasive method for assessing stress, immune function, and aging
- Effect of graded corticosterone treatment on aging-related markers of oxidative stress in rat liver mitochondria
- Renal aging in WKY rats: changes in Na+, K+-ATPase function and oxidative stress
- stress, aging, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and reliability of antioxidant enzyme defence
- Current overview of functions of FoxO proteins, with special regards to cellular homeostasis, cell response to stress, as well as inflammation and aging
- Stabilizing internal stress as the thermodynamic factor of martensite aging effects
- Regulation of neutral sphingomyelinase-2 by GSH: a new insight to the role of oxidative stress in aging-associated inflammation
- Telomere elongation followed by telomere length reduction, in leukocytes from divers exposed to intense oxidative stress–implications for tissue and organismal aging
- A two-tiered compensatory response to loss of DNA repair modulates aging and stress response pathways
- Physical aging of plastoferrites under tensile stress and its effect on microwave properties
- aging impairs the control of prefrontal cortex on the release of corticosterone in response to stress and on memory consolidation
- Vascular BDNF expression and oxidative stress during aging and the development of chronic hypertension
- Changes in relative glucose metabolic rate following cortisol administration in aging veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: an FDG-PET neuroimaging study
- Inhibitory Effects of Ethanol Extracts from Nuruk on Oxidative stress, Melanogenesis, and Photo-aging
- The effect of seed aging on wheat emergence on the response of environmental stress
- The ecological stress theory of aging and hormesis: an energetic evolutionary model
- aging impairs neurogenic contraction in guinea pig urinary bladder: role of oxidative stress and melatonin
- Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 at the crossroad of metabolic stress and inflammation in aging
- Sphere settling in an aging yield stress fluid: link between the induced flows and the rheological behavior
- Nitrosative stress in aging–its importance and biological implications in NF-κB signaling
- … cytochrome c release and suppression of caspases by gamma-tocotrienol prevent apoptosis and delay aging in stress-induced premature senescence of skin …
- Melatonin, oxidative stress, and the aging brain
- Constitutively active phosphatase inhibitor-1 improves cardiac contractility in young mice but is deleterious after catecholaminergic stress and with aging
- Lysophosphatidylcholine enhances oxidative stress via the 5-lipoxygenase pathway in rat aorta during aging
- Airways oxidative stress, lung function and cognitive impairment in aging
- Power of the five elements: the Chinese medicine path to healthy aging and stress resistance
- Antagonistic pleiotropy and the stress theory of aging
- Gene expression changes in long‐term culture of T‐cell clones: genomic effects of chronic antigenic stress in aging and immunosenescence
- Mitochondrial pathways governing stress resistance, life, and death in the fungal aging model Podospora anserina
- Proteome profiling of aging in mouse models: differential expression of proteins involved in metabolism, transport, and stress response in kidney
- aging influences multiple indices of oxidative stress in the heart of the Fischer 344/NNia× Brown Norway/BiNia rat
- Influence of aging on ethanol-induced oxidative stress in digestive tract of rats
- Enhanced immunity in slowly aging mutant mice with high mitochondrial oxidative stress
- aging impact on the accelerated thermal cycling performance of lead-free BGA solder joints in various stress conditions
- Oxidative stress, nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 levels in the gastrointestinal tract of aging rats
- Oxidative stress in the kidney of reproductive male rats during aging
- stress to the rescue: is hormesis a ‘cure’for aging?
- Biomarkers for cognitive aging part II: oxidative stress, cognitive assessments, and medication adherence
- Evaluation of role of oxidative stress on aging in Caenorhabditis elegans: a brief review
- Extended longevity mechanisms in short-lived progeroid mice: identification of a preservative stress response associated with successful aging
- stress distribution and hillock formation in Au/Pd thin films as a function of aging treatment in capacitor applications
- Influence of applying external stress during aging on martensitic transformation and the superelastic behavior of a Ni-rich NiTi alloy
- The GATA Transcription Factor egl-27 Delays aging by Promoting stress Resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans
- stress–thermooxidative aging behavior of polyamide 6
- Regular exercise attenuates oxidative stress in aging rat tissues: a possible mechanism toward anti-aging medicine
- Nitrones for understanding and ameliorating the oxidative stress associated with aging
- aging modifies brain region-specific vulnerability to experimental oxidative stress induced by low dose hydrogen peroxide
- Advanced glycation end products, oxidative stress and metalloproteinases are altered in the cerebral microvasculature during aging
- C. elegans STI-1, the homolog of Sti1/Hop, is involved in aging and stress response
- DAF-2/Insulin-Like Signaling in C. elegans Modifies Effects of Dietary Restriction and Nutrient stress on aging, stress and Growth
- Time–aging time–stress superposition in soft glass under tensile deformation field
- NADPH oxidase-dependent oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage in hippocampus of D-galactose-induced aging rats
- Contribution of glutamatergic signaling to nitrosative stress‐induced protein misfolding in normal brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases
- aging: a reflection about physical activity and oxidative stress in woman.
- stress and immune system aging
- Modeling seed aging effect on wheat seedling emergence in drought stress: Optimizing germin program to predict emergence pattern
- Gender-based differences in leptinemia in healthy aging, non-obese individuals associate with increased marker of oxidative stress
- 12 Memory Impairments Associated with stress and aging
- aging and excitotoxic stress exacerbate neural circuit reorganization in amyloid precursor protein intracellular domain transgenic mice
- Protection against oxidative stress caused by intermittent cold exposure by combined supplementation with vitamin E and C in the aging rat hypothalamus
- Survivin expression increases during aging and enhances the resistance of aged human fibroblasts to genotoxic stress
- Drosophila cyclin D/Cdk4 regulates mitochondrial biogenesis and aging and sensitizes animals to hypoxic stress
- Glucocorticoids exacerbate cognitive deficits in TDP-25 transgenic mice via a glutathione-mediated mechanism: implications for aging, stress and TDP-43 …
- aging under stress and mechanical fragility of soft solids of laponite
- Comprehensive geriatric assessment of elderly highlanders in Qinghai, China, III: oxidative stress and aging in Tibetan and Han elderly highlanders
- Role of oxidative stress in mechanisms of premature aging in shift labor workers.
- The effects of aging and cognitive stress disposition on driver situation awareness and performance in hazardous conditions
- Translucent tissue defect in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers is associated with oxidative stress accompanying an accelerated aging phenotype
- Isochaihulactone protects PC12 cell against H2O2 induced oxidative stress and exerts the potent anti-aging effects in D-galactose aging mouse model
- Oxidative stress in the kidney of reproductive female rats during aging
- Non-destructive monitoring of Au ball bond stress during high-temperature aging
- Protective role of vitamins E and C against oxidative stress caused by intermittent cold exposure in aging rat’s frontoparietal cortex
- Effects of microcrystallinity and morphology on physical aging and its associated effects on tensile mechanical and environmental stress cracking properties of poly …
- Advanced 45nm MOSFET small-signal equivalent circuit aging under DC and RF hot carrier stress
- The NF-κB-like factor DIF could explain some positive effects of a mild stress on longevity, behavioral aging, and resistance to strong stresses in Drosophila …
- Effect of growth hormone treatment on pancreatic inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis related to aging in SAMP8 mice
- Effect of stress on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of 12Cr3W3Co steel during aging and short-term creep
- Oxidative stress and neurodegeneration: an inevitable consequence of aging? Implications for therapy
- Strain aging of X100 steel in service and the enhanced susceptibility of pipelines to stress corrosion cracking
- Mild stress and healthy aging: perspectives for human beings
- The observation of stress-induced leakage current of damascene interconnects after bias temperature aging
- Loss of androgen receptor in aging and oxidative stress through Myb protooncoprotein-regulated reciprocal chromatin dynamics of p53 and poly (ADP-ribose) …
- aging effects on the BDNF mRNA and TrkB mRNA expression of the hippocampus in different durations of stress
- Peroxyl-induced oxidative stress in aging erythrocytes of rat
- A complex dietary supplement modulates nitrative stress in normal mice and in a new mouse model of nitrative stress and cognitive aging
- Job satisfaction, emotion regulation, stress relations and aging
- Coronary artery circumferential stress: departure from Laplace expectations with aging
- A simple and effective scheme for data reduction of stress relaxation incorporating physical-aging effects: An analytical and numerical analysis
- Influences of compressive stress and aging on dielectric properties of sodium bismuth titanate ceramics
- Protein Misfolding and Cellular stress in Disease and aging
- Methylglyoxal, oxidative stress, and aging
- Fructose as a factor of Carbonyl and oxidative stress development and accelerated aging in the yeast Saccharomyces
- Role of oxidative stress in aging
- Differential regulation of hepatic heme oxygenase-1 protein with aging and heat stress
- Resilience, stress, and the neurobiology of aging: The association between well-being and aging
- Investigation of the degradation mechanisms of InP/InGaAs DHBT under bias stress conditions to achieve electrical aging model for circuit design
- Effect of aging on fracture toughness and stress corrosion cracking resistance of forged 7475 aluminum alloy
- Using multi-stress aging test to evaluate and improve medium-voltage stator insulation for adjustable speed drive applications
- aging, Rejuvenation and Thixotropy in Complex Fluids: Time-dependence of the Viscosity at Rest and under Constant Shear Rate or Shear stress
- Iron induced oxidative stress and aging
- Effects of aging on kidney graft function, oxidative stress and gene expression after kidney transplantation
- Effect of aging on preoperative oxidative stress
- stress relaxation of a polycarbonate blend after hygrothermal aging
- Vascular aging and oxidative stress: hormesis and adaptive cellular pathways
- Liquefaction, lateral stress, consolidation state, and aging
- A comparison study of thermal aging effect on mold compound and its impact on leadframe packages stress
- Oxidative stress in vascular aging
- Oxidant stress and mitochondrial signaling regulate reversible changes of ERα expression and apoptosis in aging mouse glomeruli and mesangial cells
- The effect of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) on parameters of oxidative stress in different regions of aging rat brains after acute hypoxia
- Dynamic strain aging in stress controlled creep–fatigue tests of 316L stainless steel under different loading conditions
- aging, oxidative stress and sarcopenia: a systemic approach
- Oxidative stress and aging: a clinical and biochemical study
- aging and stress-dependent dielectric properties of multiferroic bismuth ferrite ceramics
- Interactions of overweight, poor oral health, and stress related to chronic disease in an aging population
- Association between exposure to combat‐related stress and psychological health in aging men: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study
- Modeling SiO2 ion impurities aging in insulated gate power devices under temperature and voltage stress
- The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, stress and aging: identifying the complex interplay of genetic pathways following the treatment with humic substances
- Expression of prostaglandin PGE2 receptors under conditions of aging and stress and the protective effect of the EP2 agonist butaprost on retinal ischemia
- Does psychosocial stress accelerate the aging process?
- Effects of resveratrol on morphology and oxidative stress of brain tissues in aging mice
- Mild stress in the aging heart: role of ischemic preconditioning
- in stress, Coping, and aging‘
- Curcumin protects brain from oxidative stress through inducing expression of UCP2 in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion aging-rats
- aging exacerbates restraint stress-induced inhibition of antigen-specific antibody production in mice
- Factors affecting static strain aging under stress at room temperature in a Fe–Mn–C twinning-induced plasticity steel
- Defective nuclear translocation of stress-activated signaling in senescent diploid human fibroblasts: a possible explanation for aging-associated apoptosis resistance
- Effects of isothermal aging and in-situ current stress on the reliability of lead-free solder joints
- Thermal aging effect on charging and discharging currents in polymers under DC stress
- The effects of aging of the cyclic stress-strain and fatigue behaviors of lead free solders
- Influence of mechanical stress and temperature aging on a change of electrical connection resistance
- Dielectric strength of laminated paper and polymer materials under aging and tensile stress at 77 K
- aging phenomenon of 15 kV EPR cable insulation by electrical and thermal stress
- Roles of Oxidative stress in the aging Process ofDrosophila melanogaster
- Effects of external stress during aging on microstructure and properties of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy
- Acute stress response modified by modest inhibition of growth hormone axis: a potential machinery of the anti-aging effect of calorie restriction
- aging reduces left atrial performance during adrenergic stress in middle aged and older patients
- Effect of Acanthopanax sessiliflorus extracts on stress response and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Nitric oxide and cellular stress response in brain aging and neurodegenerative disorders
- Reduced Defense of Central Blood Volume During Acute Lower Body Negative Pressure–Induced Hypovolemic Circulatory stress in aging Women
- Several issues on the designment of pulse electrical stress aging test device of insulation materials
- The role of oxidative stress in C. elegans aging
- Mechanical stress modified ferroelectric aging behavior
- Post-hypoxic oxidative stress in aging pea seeds: I. Hypoxia development during imbibition
- Survival and longevity improvements at extreme ages: an interpretation assuming an ecological stress theory of aging
- … techniques and phenomena of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in light water reactors (LWRs). SCC evaluating techniques for predicting core internal and pipe aging …
- Glucocorticoid receptors, stress and aging
- Mechanical stress and circuit aging aware VLSI CAD
- Oxidative stress, cognitive dysfunction, and brain aging
- The effect of stress-induced senescence on aging human cord blood-derived endothelial cells
- Glycation of mitochondrial proteins, oxidative stress and aging
- Oxidative stress and aging: a comparison between vertebrates and invertebrates
- … alterations in the rat central nervous system in response to experimentally co-induced chlorpyrifos and cold stress: a comparative assessment in aging rats
- The influence of aging on the stress-strain and creep behavior of SAC solder alloys
- stress urinary incontinence in the aging male: current treatment options
- Underfill and mold compound influence on PoP aging under high current and high temperature stress
- Study on effect of residual stress distributions on kinetics of static strain aging after cold rolling
- Oxidative stress: aging and disuse.
- The hepatoprotective effects of adenine nucleotide translocator-2 against aging and oxidative stress
- … stimulates transcription factors (Nrf2 & NFkB), increases antioxidant defenses, decreases oxidative stress, and restores renal dopamine D1 receptor function in aging
- Survival Across the Fitness-stress Continuum Under the Ecological stress Theory of aging: Caloric Restriction and Ionizing Radiation
- The effects of grammatical class and lexical stress on word retrieval in aging and aphasia
- Pathways to aging Well among College-Educated Women: The Roles of Personality Development and stress and Coping.
- Improvement of stress Corrosion Resistance in Aluminum Alloy 7075 through Retrogression and Re-aging Modification
- Gentilly-2 NPP-Concrete aging effects on long term pre-stress losses and propagation of concrete cracking due to pressure testing
- Evolution of the stress-Strain and Creep Behavior of Underfill Encapsulants With aging
- Oxidative stress and aging in the Budding YeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae
- Changes in residual stress in low carbon stainless steel for nuclear reactor usage suffered from deformation and aging
- stress, aging, andWound Healing
- Effect of Re and aging time on microstructure and stress rupture life of corrosion resistance directionally solidified Ni-base superalloy
- Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in traumatic brain injury in aging
- Employee aging: Climate, stress, and Coping.
- Response to letter regarding article,“Impact of ACE2 deficiency and oxidative stress on cerebrovascular function with aging”
- Factors Predicting the Perception of Positive aging In the Presence of Chronic stress
- Role of GDNF in the behavior and cognitive impairment of mice induced by chronic stress and aging
- stress and aging of construction project managers in hong kong and the motherland
- Influence of aging Temperature on the Microstructure and stress Rupture Property of DZ951 Alloy
- Cold stress offered modulation on chlorpyrifos toxicity in aging rat central nervous system
- The role of exercise on oxidative stress and inflammation in the aging brain
- Oxidative stress, aging, and Cardiovascular Disease
- Oxidative stress as an universal cause of aging–from human somatic cells to the unicellular yeast and bacteria
- Yeast stress, aging, and Death
- Oxidative stress-elevated high gamma glutamyl transferase levels, and aging, intake of tropical food plants, migration and visual disability in Central Africans
- Anti‐oxidation activities of CordyMax in an oxidative stress model: A mechanism of its anti‐aging property
- Protective effects of berries and walnuts against the accelerated aging and age‐associated stress caused by irradiation in critical regions of rat brain
- stress-immunity-health (problem of premature aging in veterans of special risk subdivisions)
- The Sel {ka Valley Study of Health and aging: Unraveling Senescence, stress and Frailty
- Performance of precipitates in the stress aging treatment of 7075 Al alloy
- Mild stress as a means to modulate aging: from fly to human?
- An Evaluation of Tensile Characteristics of the stress aging Heat-treated SM45C Steel by Acoustic Emissions
- Vessel aging. The role of oxidative stress and protein glycation
- … and Lifetime at Double aging Processes II: Estimation of Long-term Mechanical Behavior and Lifetime of Polymeric Materials from Short-time Creep and stress …
- The long life of birds: an examination of the oxidative stress theory of aging
- Effect of compressive stress on ferroelectric aging behavior of hybrid-doped Fe3+/Nb5+ BaTiO3 ceramics
- Oxidative stress and susceptibility to virus-induced lung fibrosis in aging mice
- Appraisal, stress, and aging
- Mitigation of oxidative stress and inflammatory signaling by fruit and walnut polyphenols: implications for cognitive aging.
- Does Chronic stress Accelerate Late-aging Cognitive Decline In Memory And Executive Functioning?
- Post-hypoxic Oxidative stress in aging Pea Seeds: II. Post-hypoxic Events
- Sensing and Responding to stress Stimuli in Caenorhabditis elegans: Implications for aging and Immunity
- Down-regulation and alternative splicing of methionine synthase as an adaptive response to oxidative stress in aging and neurological disorders
- Interaction of stress and lead burden on cognition in older men: the VA Normative aging Study
- Interplay between aging and unloading on oxidative stress in fast-twitch muscles
- stress corrosion cracking behavior and two-step aging of high strength Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy
- The human Lon protease in mitochondrial stress protection and aging
- Oxidative stress in aging: Important or overtaken
- aging: A Little (Oxidative) stress is Good for You
- aging: A Little (Oxidative) stress is May be Good for You
- aging alters regional vascular conductance and arterial pressure during orthostatic stress.
- The effect of a monoamine oxidase (MAO)-B inhibitor; pargyline on oxidant stress/antioxidant status in aging rat tissues
- Regulation of translation and transcription by SIRT1: Potential novel mechanisms for regulating stress response and aging
- The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and reproductive system activity changing of female rats with prenatal stress during aging
- Long-term consequences of chronic PTSD on quality of life, cardiovascular risk and stress hormones in aging former refugee children
- A Micro-review of Oxidative-stress Hypothesis and its Affect on aging
- A Relationship between Smoking and stress, Vaso-aging degree
- PCR markers, stress, and healthy aging
- Anti‐aging activity of kimchi during fermentation period against oxidative stress‐induced premature senescence in cellular model
- Effects of silybin on inhibiting glycoxidative stress and improving the learning and memory in aging rats treated by D-galactose
- Effects of aging and Gender on the Preoperative Oxidative stress
- < The> relationship between indicators of plasma oxidative stress and photo aging
- TOPIC 03-1–Oxydative stress, NO, aging
- Internal stress and capacitance aging of BME-MLCCs
- aging alters the mitochondrial stress response
- The Speedometer of Life: stress, Health and aging
- The relationship between Indicators of plasma oxidative stress and photo aging
- Studies on aging Using Oxidative stress Mouse Models
- aging and functional capacity-stress factors and coping resources
- Use of Embedded Bond stress Sensors to Determine aging
- Role of Oxidative stress and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans: Relevance to Human aging.
- Depression gets old fast: Do stress and depression accelerate cell aging?: Erratum.
- A Relationship between Exercise and Health Factors including stress, Fatigue and Vaso-aging degree
- Opioid Receptors in aging and Oxidative stress
- The response of vascular smooth muscle ten in the aging rats to oxidative stress
- Reseach of oxidative stress induces aging in rabbit intervertebral disc nucleus pulposus cells injured by H2O2
- Nox4 NADPH Oxidase‐dependent Mitochondrial Oxidative stress Promotes Cardiovascular Disease in aging
- Glucocorticoid receptors, stress and aging
- aging augments mitochondrial susceptibility to environmental stress
- Medical and psychological prevention of stress-induced premature aging
- Power of the Five Elements The Chinese Medicine Path to Healthy aging and stress Resistance
- aging, Oxidative stress, and Cardiovascular Disorders
- Role of NADPH Oxidase in Oxidative stress and aging
- Moxibustion on Carbonyl stress and Expression of p19ARF and p53 mRNA in Livers of D-galactose-Induced aging Rats
- Upregulation of Cardiac Beta3-Adrenergic Receptor-Activated Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Promotes Cardiac aging: Role of Oxidant stress
- DNA repair and cancer. In: Oxidative stress in aging.
- Oxidative stress, Angiogenesis and Apoptosis in Relation to aging
- The Moderating Role of Exercise in stress-related Effects on the aging Brain
- Family structure, development, and stress as frameworks for understanding late-life planning in aging families of individuals with intellectual/developmental …
- Premature aging with impaired oxidative stress
- Regulation of aging and stress Resistance in the Heart by Longevity Factors
- An aging Study of Oxidative stress Related Markers in Mouse Retinas
- Formation of Polymer Glasses Under stress and Its Influence on Physical aging
- Modeling of the aging process in stress-strength models
- PGC‐1α deletion accelerates angiotensin II induced endothelial dysfunction by increasing mitochondrial oxidative stress and vascular aging
- aging and stress relaxation in an actin network
- Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with increased oxidative stress and inflammation, and Nrf2‐mediated antioxidant dysregulation with frail aging
- Oxidative stress, Dietary Restriction and aging
- aging Endothelial Cells Exhibit Decreased Response to Atheroprotective Shear stress
- aging Affects the Response of the Left Atrium to Adrenergic stress
- Methylation of CpG island in aging lens epithelial cells and during oxidative stress affects Sp1 binding and activity in LEDGF promoter
- Relationship between oxidative and occupational stress and aging in nurses of an intensive care unit
- Role of Oxidative stress in Mediating Elevated Blood Pressure with aging
- … prevents ethanol-induced oxidative stress: regulation of selected dehydrogenase activities in the skeletal muscle fibers of male albino rat with reference to aging.
- Elevated expression of alpha7 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor during the early stages of damage by oxidative stress in the aging rat brain
- Bax and oxidative stress in the aging mouse brain
- Metabolism and aging: ER stress prolongs life
- Hearing Acuity, aging and Physiological stress
- Human RPE Cells Aged in vitro Differ From Young Cells in Sensitivity to Oxidative stress-But the aging Effect is not Simple and the Type of stress Matters
- Expressional Variation of Endoplasmic Reticulum stress Signaling Factors in Mouse Tissues by aging
- Role of Oxidative stress in aging of the Retina in the ApoB100, LDLR-/-Mouse, a Murine Model of aging of the Human Retina
- Mild stress and Healthy aging: Applying Hormesis in aging Research and Interventions
- Theories of biological aging: Role of oxidative stress Biyolojik yaşlanma teorileri: Oksidatif stresin Rolü
- Relation between protein degradation and oxidative stress during aging in rat muscle
- Rosacea, Inflammation, and aging: The Inefficiency of stress
- Study on the Correlation between PSR and Korean stress Test for Continued Operation of aging NPP
- Systemic protein aggregation in stress and aging restructures cytoplasmic architecture
- C. elegans stress response and its relevance to complex human disease and aging
- stress enhanced shear yielding in aging polymer glasses
- Regulators and Effectors of Acetyltransferase p300 During Oxidative stress, Heart Disease and aging
- Cytoprotective functions of amyloid precursor protein family members in stress signaling and aging
- … to Their Nonexponentially Viscoelastic Behaviors at Double aging Processes (I): A Set of Reduced Universal Equations on the stress Relaxation Modulus and Creep …
- aging Enhances Endoplasmic Reticulum stress-Induced Apoptosis in Murine Macrophages
- Epigenetic aging of the Oxidative stress Response in the Mouse RPE
- The physiological effects of stress and aging on chaperone-mediated autophagy
- The sirtuins, oxidative stress and aging: An emerging link
- Oxidative stress and inflammation: Implication in endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular aging on murine models
- … the sympathoadrenal system response to psychoemotional stress under hypoxic conditions in aged people with physiological and accelerated aging of the respiratory …
- Midlife Meaning Moderates the Relationship Between Anticipating aging and Perceived stress
- Induction of cellular stress responses by phytochemicals for nutritional applications toward anti-aging intervention
- stress Applied during Vitrification Influencing the Subsequent Physical aging of Polymer Glasses
- ER-stress Drives The Increased Susceptibility To Lung Fibrosis In aging Individuals
- Greater resistance to psychophysical stress in p66Shc-/-adult mice, a model of delayed aging
- Cardiovascular aging: Influence of Oxidative stress and Senescent Cellular Phenotypes
- Accelerated aging during chronic oxidative stress: a role for PARP‐1?
- Impact of stress Present During the Thermal Quench on the Subsequent Physical aging in Polymer Films
- Carbonyl stress in aging Process: Role of Vitamins and Phytochemicals as Redox Regulators
- Best Counselling Practices for Adult Children who are Experiencing Caregiver stress of aging Parents
- Electro Hydraulic Control Harmonic aging stress Elimination Devices-Modeling and Simulation of the Shock Excitation Part
- Molecular chaperons mediated pathways of stress protective and anti-aging effects of adaptogens
- Mechanisms of hepatic iron accumulation with aging and environmental heat stress
- Physical aging of Glassy Polyvinyl Chloride in Non-uniform stress Field
- Residual stress distribution of wheel tread for freight car due to aging effect
- aging Characteristics of Bolt Pretension of stress-laminated Timber
- Letter by Tsuda Regarding Article,“Impact of ACE2 Deficiency and Oxidative stress on Cerebrovascular Function With aging”
- Role of Oxidative stress and Angiotensin II in Cerebral Vascular Dysfunction with aging
- Is affect associated with stress and inflammatory biomarkers in healthy aging Seventh-day Adventists?
- aging Alters the Unfolded Protein Response to Endoplasmic Reticulum stress in Mouse Lung
- Deformation of molecular and cell structures is a general mechanism of stress, adaptation, cancer growth, aging and evolution in the species
- Effects of Long-Term aging Treatment on stress Rupture Properties of FGH95 Ni-Base Superalloy
- Mouse models of accelerated lenticular aging by carbonyl and oxidant stress
- Regulation of Myocardial Survival and Death by Autophagy during Myocardial stress and aging
- Dilatometric Analysis to study aging of aluminum alloys, published in “Quenching and Cooling, Residual stress and Distortion Control
- Oxidative stress Associated Melanocyte-Loss and Hair Growth Capacity in the aging Hair Follicle: A Model for Tissue-Specific aging
- Effects of Iron Addition on aging Behavior of Barium Titanate Ceramics under Compressive stress
- Relationship between Surface Residual stress Fields and Hydrothermal Environment on Low Temperature aging of 3Y-TZP
- Influence of Flow Quench Rate on the Internal stress and aging Dynamics of a Repulsive Colloidal Glass
- 34. aging: Oxidative stress and Senescent Cellular Phenotypes
- Increased oxidative stress with aging plays important roles to increase vulnerability in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
- Oxidative stress related biomarkers in aged-related human studies on vitamin intervention and healthy aging cohorts
- O xidative stress contributes to brain aging. Use of antioxidant vita-mins, especially over the long term, might confer cognitive benefits.
- Relationship of glutathione deficiency to oxidative stress-related disease and aging
- Dysregulation of hepatic iron with aging: implications for stress‐induced oxidative liver injury
- Left coronary artery stress relaxation properties of aging spontaneously hypertensive rats and Sprague Dawley rats
- The Effects of aging and Cognitive stress Disposition on Driver Situation Awareness and Performance under Hazardous Conditions
- The aging Phenomenon, Related with DNA Damage, MMR Deficiency and Oxidative stress, Has Different Outcomes in Tw…
- Jund is a Critical Modulator of Oxidative stress-induced Vascular aging
- aging is a determinant in anoxia stress tolerance in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Effects of chronic anger stress on rats’ aging process and neuroendocrine-immune mechanism.
- Multi-stress accelerated aging test method for distribution polymer surge arresters
- Capacitance change measurements during the aging of the model solid-liquid insulators under HVDC stress
- A Study of Delamination Mechanism of Thermal Barrier Coating under Thermal Cycling and aging Condition by Residual stress History
- Association between Black Carbon Exposure, Oxidative stress Genes and Blood Pressure in the Normative aging Study.
- Replicative senescence may be a suitable model for assessing in vivo endothelial cell oxidative stress and inflammation with aging in humans
- Chronic Environmental Enrichment Improves aging-related Endothelial Dysfunction in Rats: Role of Oxidative stress
- Effect of stress assisted aging on superelastic behavior of a hot-rolled niti shape memory alloy
- Global Genome Responses to DNA-Repair Deficiency Modulate aging and stress Response Pathways
- Reduced Endothelium‐Dependent Dilation with aging in Humans is Associated with Endothelial Oxidative stress and Enhanced Expression of NADPH Oxidase
- Effects of acute and long-term chronic social stress and aging on cognition: involvement of novel synaptic cell adhesion molecules
- PTEN loss antagonizes aging through promoting regeneration and prevents oxidative stress induced cell death
- Basic investigation of aging weld joint and repair weld joint integrity assessment using neutron residual stress measurement method
- aging and excitotoxic stress exacerbate neural circuit reorganization in APP intracellular domain (AICD) transgenic mice
- Cell-Specific Interference with Endothelial PPARγ Produces Oxidative stress and Accelerates Vascular aging
- Alteration in Cardiac MIF-AMPK Cascade in Response to Ischemic stress with aging
- Analyzing the microarray mRNA profile of graying human hair follicles: a promising approach in stress and aging research
- Bulk and micro-scale rheology of an aging, yield stress fluid, with application to magneto-responsive systems
- … stress Serration and the Unique Arch-shaped stress plateau in the Deformation Behaviour of Ti-50.8 at.% Ni Wire by Selective Electrical Resistance Over-aging
- aging-associated Alteration in the Cardiac MIF-AMPK Cascade in Response to Ischemic stress
- Mitochondrial uncoupling and remodelling during caloric restriction: Implications for oxidative stress and aging
- The primary pathogenetic role of vascular hypoperfusion, mitochondria failure and oxidative stress in aging and Alzheimer disease
- aging Effect on Femoral stress Fracture Risk in Pin-hole after Computer-navigated Total Knee Arthroplasty
- Electro Hydraulic Control Harmonic aging stress Elimination Devices-Modeling and Simulation of the Hydraulic Vibrator with the Frequency Modulation Rotary Valve
- aging exacerbates obesity‐induced oxidative stress and inflammation in perivascular adipose tissue in mice: a paracrine mechanism contributing to vascular redox …
- aging Restricts Electrical Signaling along Endothelial Tubes via Enhanced Activation of SKCa/IKCa Channels: Role for Oxidative stress
- 26. Treatment Using a Therapeutic Peptide Inhibitor Against the stress Mediator NFkB Delayed Age-Dependent Spinal Degeneration in an Accelerated aging Mouse …
- Oxidative and energetic stress: regulation of Nrf2 and mitochondrial biogenesis for slowed aging interventions
- Ott1 (Rbm15)-Deficient Hematopoietic Stem Cells Are Unable to Maintain Quiescence During Replicative stress and Display Features of Premature aging
- Effect of long‐term green tea ingestion on cellular signaling systems related to oxidative stress and survival in the aging rat hippocampal formation
- The effects of age and neuroticism on stress reactivity and cortisol diurnal rhythms: findings from the Normative aging Study
- Physiological quality of chamomile [Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert] seeds after accelerated aging and salt stress
- The Role of the Nrf2 Dimerization Partner Maf-S in Drosophila Gene Regulation, stress Response and aging
- … and ultralow doses of physical and chemical effects on the biological tissues (phase transitions, chemical reactions, tumor growth, aging, adaptation to stress …
- Changes in Muscle Calcium Handling, Oxidative stress and Contractile Function with aging and Long-term Exercise Training in Senescent Rats
- Isochaihulactone protects PC12 cell against hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress and exerts the potent anti-aging effects in D-galactose aging mouse …
- … Intervention Reverses Oxidative stress-Induced Epigenetic Alterations in Colon Cancer Cells: Clues for New Chemopreventive Measures Against aging and …
- Glutathione and Ascorbate: The balance between oxidant and carbonyl stress in the aging human lens
- Forkhead Transcription Factor 3a (FOXO3a) is Involved in the Regulation of Functional Response to aging and stress in Murine Cardiomyocytes
- Expression pattern of oxidative stress-related genes and prestin in the aging fischer 344/NHSD rat cochlea
- Regulation of Sumoylation in Lens Epithelial Cells During aging And Oxidative stress: Sumoylation Reduces LEDGF’s Stability And DNA-Binding Efficiency
- Cardiac function in response to pressure‐overload and aging‐induced stress involves regulation of mitochondrial dynamics by the mitochondrial kinase, Pink1
- Effect of Red Grape Extract on Nicotine Induced Oxidative stress on Antioxidants Enzymes in the Kidney Tissue of Male Albino Rat with Reference to aging
- … 1a (PGC‐1a) deficiency accelerates endothelial dysfunction during chronic angiotensin II treatment by increasing mitochondrial oxidative stress and vascular aging
- Isochaihulactone protects PC12 cell against H (2) O (2) induced oxidative stress and exerts the potent anti-aging effects in D-galactose aging mouse model
- … of oxidant stress using liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry: method evaluation and application in study of biological variation in aging
- A GATA Transcription Factor, egl-27, Delays aging by Promoting stress Resistance in C. elegans
- [P8-215] Anti-aging Activity of Black Rice and Its Active Components against stress-induced Premature Senescence Cellular Model
- Effect of drought-induced stress by PEG-6000 and seed accelerated aging on germination characteristicsof Chickpea (Cicer arietinum l.)
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of JLF-1 and CLAM steels exposed to thermal aging with stress
- The onset ofnew ofboth of of of of ofspontaneous: episodes recurrent depression bipolar disorder appears become autonomous, or stress, as lifetime course illness …
- 68: stress-induced premature senescence in airway epithelium and accelerated lung allograft aging
- 244 Vascular BDNF expression and oxidative stress during aging and the development of chronic hypertension
- Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of JLF-1 and CLAM Steels Exposed to Thermal aging with stress Yanfen LI, Takuya NAGASAKA and Takeo MUROGA 1) …
- 173. aging and stress effects on behavioral outcomes and tumor growth in a mouse model of prostate cancer
- MnSOD and ALDH‐2 deficiency potentiate aging‐associated vascular dysfunction, mitochondrial oxidative stress and mtDNA strand breaks
- TOPIC 07–Oxydative stress and aging
- 9 mRNA Modulations in stress and aging
- Hepatoprotective Effects of Adenine Nucleotide Translocator-2 against Oxidative stress and aging
- HIF-2: Standing Guard at the Crossroads of stress and aging
- … Variations Related to Drought Tolerance in Contrasting Grape RootstocksInfluence of Mechanical Canopy Manipulation and Differential RDI stress on the Phenolic …
- Oxidative stress, aging, and diseases
- The Immunoproteasome in oxidative stress, aging, and disease
- Oxidative stress in aging human skin
- Corrosion resistance of a two-stage stress-aged Al–Cu–Mg alloy: Effects of stress–aging temperature
- Effects of stress–aging on the microstructure and properties of an aging forming Al–Cu–Mg–Ag alloy
- Evolution of precipitate microstructure during stress aging of an Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy
- Evolution of precipitates during two-stage stress–aging of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy
- Phosphorylation of αB-crystallin: Role in stress, aging and patho-physiological conditions
- The effect of stress–aging on dimensional stability behavior of Al-Cu-Mg alloy
- Mitochondrial oxidative stress in aging and healthspan
- Metabolic syndrome, aging and involvement of oxidative stress
- Multimarker screening of oxidative stress in aging
- Oxidative stress in stem cell aging
- Oxidative stress in aging
- The role of oxidative stress and inflammation in cardiovascular aging
- stress biology and aging mechanisms: toward understanding the deep connection between adaptation to stress and longevity
- Sex differences in biological markers of health in the study of stress, aging and health in Russia
- Influence of stress aging process on variants of nano-Ni4Ti3 precipitates and martensitic transformation temperatures in NiTi shape memory alloy
- Oxidative stress and aging diseases
- Positive oxidative stress in aging and aging-related disease tolerance
- A long journey into aging, brain aging, and Alzheimer’s disease following the oxidative stress tracks
- Epigenetics and oxidative stress in aging
- Proteostasis, oxidative stress and aging
- Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in aging and cancer
- Revisit the stress-orienting effect of θ’in Al-Cu single crystal during stress aging
- Influence of stress‐aging processing on precipitates and mechanical properties of a 7075 aluminum alloy
- Oxidative stress response and Nrf2 signaling in aging
- Relationship between hyposalivation and oxidative stress in aging mice
- Glycative stress and anti-aging: 1. What is glycative stress
- Effects of external stress aging on morphology and precipitation behavior of θ ″phase in Al-Cu alloy
- Alterations of the translation apparatus during aging and stress response
- Oxidative stress, inflammation, and vascular aging in hypertension
- Microglia priming with aging and stress
- Exercise modulates oxidative stress and inflammation in aging and cardiovascular diseases
- Oxidative stress and its downstream signaling in aging eyes
- Oxidative stress in disease and aging: mechanisms and therapies 2016
- Changing distribution and geometry of S′ in Al–Cu–Mg single crystals during stress aging by controlling the loading orientation
- Skeletal muscle aging: influence of oxidative stress and physical exercise
- A mitochondrial superoxide theory for oxidative stress diseases and aging
- stress and aging act through common mechanisms to elicit neuroinflammatory priming
- Oxidative stress: role of physical exercise and antioxidant nutraceuticals in adulthood and aging
- Traumatic stress, oxidative stress and post-traumatic stress disorder: neurodegeneration and the accelerated-aging hypothesis
- Single pulse short-circuit robustness and repetitive stress aging of GaN GITs
- Oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and the mitochondria theory of aging
- Social support, stress and the aging brain
- Oxidative stress-mediated aging during the fetal and perinatal periods
- Oxidative stress in disease and aging: mechanisms and therapies
- Dysregulated physiological stress systems and accelerated cellular aging
- Mechanisms and consequences of oxidative stress in lung disease: therapeutic implications for an aging populace
- Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial Hsp22: a role in resistance to oxidative stress, aging and the mitochondrial unfolding protein response
- The role of oxidative and nitrosative stress in accelerated aging and major depressive disorder
- Oxidative stress in aging: advances in proteomic approaches
- The effects of stress on cognitive aging, physiology and emotion (ESCAPE) project
- Polyphenol stilbenes: molecular mechanisms of defence against oxidative stress and aging-related diseases
- Brain-skin connection: stress, inflammation and skin aging
- Oxidative stress and aging: learning from yeast lessons
- Life stress, glucocorticoid signaling, and the aging epigenome: implications for aging-related diseases
- aging-related changes in oxidative stress response of human endothelial cells
- Mitochondria and oxidative stress in heart aging
- Effect of loading orientations on the microstructure and property of AlCu single crystal during stress aging
- The decay of redox-stress response capacity is a substantive characteristic of aging: revising the redox theory of aging
- The role of intracellular zinc release in aging, oxidative stress, and Alzheimer’s disease
- A futile battle? Protein quality control and the stress of aging
- Accelerated aging in schizophrenia patients: the potential role of oxidative stress
- Skin aging and oxidative stress: Equol’s anti-aging effects via biochemical and molecular mechanisms
- Red blood cell oxidative stress impairs oxygen delivery and induces red blood cell aging
- Oxidative stress predicts cognitive decline with aging in healthy adults: an observational study
- Metabolic stress, autophagy, and cardiovascular aging: from pathophysiology to therapeutics
- aging and the HPA axis: stress and resilience in older adults
- The contribution of oxidative stress and inflamm-aging in human and equine asthma
- Happily (n) ever after: aging in the context of oxidative stress, proteostasis loss and cellular senescence
- Role of oxidative stress on platelet hyperreactivity during aging
- Oxidative stress and human skin connective tissue aging
- Sinapic acid and its derivatives as medicine in oxidative stress-induced diseases and aging
- New insights into the role of mitochondrial dynamics and autophagy during oxidative stress and aging in the heart
- stress in biology and medicine, role in aging
- Coping with stress during aging: the importance of a resilient brain
- Calcium signaling alterations, oxidative stress, and autophagy in aging
- Reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress in osteoclastogenesis, skeletal aging and bone diseases
- Lifetime stress accelerates epigenetic aging in an urban, African American cohort: relevance of glucocorticoid signaling
- Glycative stress and anti-aging: 7. Glycative stress and skin aging
- Restricted access: spatial sequestration of damaged proteins during stress and aging
- Mitochondrial stress signaling in longevity: a new role for mitochondrial function in aging
- The paradoxical role of thioredoxin on oxidative stress and aging
- Sympathetic regulation during thermal stress in human aging and disease
- The role of nutrient-based epigenetic changes in buffering against stress, aging, and Alzheimer’s disease
- Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation reverses vascular dysfunction and oxidative stress with aging in mice
- A new role for oxidative stress in aging: the accelerated aging phenotype in Sod1−/− mice is correlated to increased cellular senescence
- Oxidative stress and accelerated aging in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorder
- Reflections on the theories of aging, of oxidative stress, and of science in general. Is it time to abandon the free radical (oxidative stress) theory of aging?
- Ultraviolet radiation-induced skin aging: the role of DNA damage and oxidative stress in epidermal stem cell damage mediated skin aging
- aging causes decreased resistance to multiple stresses and a failure to activate specific stress response pathways
- Apolipoprotein D takes center stage in the stress response of the aging and degenerative brain
- Oxidative stress and genetic markers of suboptimal antioxidant defense in the aging brain: a theoretical review
- Practicality of intermittent fasting in humans and its effect on oxidative stress and genes related to aging and metabolism
- Beyond diabetes: does obesity-induced oxidative stress drive the aging process?
- Sirtuin functions in female fertility: possible role in oxidative stress and aging
- Changes in oxidative stress markers and biological markers of muscle injury with aging at rest and in response to an exhaustive exercise
- Air pollution stress and the aging phenotype: the telomere connection
- aging studies on polymeric insulators under DC stress with controlled climatic conditions
- A viewpoint on considering physiological principles to study stress resistance and resilience with aging
- A contribution to unravel the mysteries of electrical aging under DC electrical stress: where we are and where we would need to go
- Tissue-specific autophagy responses to aging and stress in C. elegans
- Elevated endoplasmic reticulum stress response contributes to adipose tissue inflammation in aging
- Effects of creep-aging parameters on aging precipitates of a two-stage creep-aged Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy under the extra compressive stress
- Intense piano training on self-efficacy and physiological stress in aging
- Oxidative stress in disease and aging: mechanisms and therapies 2018
- A stress-induced cellular aging model with postnatal neural stem cells
- Oxidative stress is a central target for physical exercise neuroprotection against pathological brain aging
- SIRT6, oxidative stress, and aging
- Bacopa monnieri as an antioxidant therapy to reduce oxidative stress in the aging brain
- Complex interplay between health and successful aging: role of perceived stress, resilience, and social support
- aging and thermoregulatory control: the clinical implications of exercising under heat stress in older individuals
- Oxidative stress and salvia miltiorrhiza in aging-associated cardiovascular diseases
- Traumatic stress and accelerated cellular aging: from epigenetics to cardiometabolic disease
- SKN-1/Nrf, stress responses, and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Brain aging, memory impairment and oxidative stress: a study in Drosophila melanogaster
- Methylglyoxal-induced dicarbonyl stress in aging and disease: first steps towards glyoxalase 1-based treatments
- NOX4 NADPH oxidase-dependent mitochondrial oxidative stress in aging-associated cardiovascular disease
- Impaired autophagy activity is linked to elevated ER-stress and inflammation in aging adipose tissue
- stress, telomeres, and psychopathology: toward a deeper understanding of a triad of early aging
- Aquaporin membrane channels in oxidative stress, cell signaling, and aging: recent advances and research trends
- Oxidative stress and aging: correlation with clinical parameters
- Effects of co-worker and supervisor support on job stress and presenteeism in an aging workforce: a structural equation modelling approach
- Posttraumatic stress disorder-related cardiovascular disease and accelerated cellular aging
- Inflammation, aging, and oxidative stress
- Redox signaling of NADPH oxidases regulates oxidative stress responses, immunity and aging
- Postovulatory aging causes the deterioration of porcine oocytes via induction of oxidative stress
- Editorial Perspective: Psychological stress and epigenetic aging–what can we learn and how can we prevent?
- Molecular consequences of psychological stress in human aging
- Obesity in aging exacerbates blood–brain barrier disruption, neuroinflammation, and oxidative stress in the mouse hippocampus: effects on expression of genes …
- Growing up or growing old? Cellular aging linked with testosterone reactivity to stress in youth
- Astaxanthin alleviates brain aging in rats by attenuating oxidative stress and increasing BDNF levels
- Role of stress, depression, and aging in cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease
- Space charge behavior in XLPE cable insulation under ac stress and its relation to thermo-electrical aging
- Synergy assessments of plant extracts used in the treatment of stress and aging-related disorders
- Influence of stress on γ ″precipitation behavior in Inconel 718 during aging
- The interplay between autophagy and mitochondrial dysfunction in oxidative stress-induced cardiac aging and pathology
- The effects of long-term stress exposure on aging cognition: a behavioral and EEG investigation
- Stability of MX-type strengthening nanoprecipitates in ferritic steels under thermal aging, stress and ion irradiation
- Mitochondrial stress restores the heat shock response and prevents proteostasis collapse during aging
- What is the evidence for stress resistance and slowed aging?
- SIRT1 signalling protects mouse oocytes against oxidative stress and is deregulated during aging
- Occupational stress of anesthesia: effects on aging
- Associations between air pollution and perceived stress: the Veterans Administration Normative aging Study
- A cell-intrinsic interferon-like response links replication stress to cellular aging caused by progerin
- Obesity-and aging-induced excess of central transforming growth factor-β potentiates diabetic development via an RNA stress response
- From late-onset stress symptomatology to later-adulthood trauma reengagement in aging combat veterans: Taking a broader view
- Is there still any role for oxidative stress in mitochondrial DNA-dependent aging?
- Beyond ROS clearance: Peroxiredoxins in stress signaling and aging
- Oxidative stress promotes peroxiredoxin hyperoxidation and attenuates pro-survival signaling in aging chondrocytes
- Effects of aging and oxidative stress on spermatozoa of superoxide-dismutase 1-and catalase-null mice
- The determinants of presenteeism: a comprehensive investigation of stress-related factors at work, health, and individual factors among the aging workforce
- Reevaluating the “subjective weathering” hypothesis: subjective aging, coping resources, and the stress process
- Impact of aging on cardiac function in a female rat model of menopause: role of autonomic control, inflammation, and oxidative stress
- Circadian deep sequencing reveals stress-response genes that adopt robust rhythmic expression during aging
- Aberrant mTOR activation in senescence and aging: a mitochondrial stress response?
- Residual stress relief in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy by a new multistage interrupted artificial aging treatment
- Rhodiola rosea L.: an herb with anti-stress, anti-aging, and immunostimulating properties for cancer chemoprevention
- Cytogenetic analysis of wheat seeds submitted to artificial aging stress
- Evaluation of the influence of fullerenol on aging and stress resistance using Caenorhabditis elegans
- aging and oxidative stress reduce the response of human articular chondrocytes to insulin‐like growth factor 1 and osteogenic protein 1
- Reduced insulin/IGF-1 signaling restores the dynamic properties of key stress granule proteins during aging
- Sulforaphane reactivates cellular antioxidant defense by inducing Nrf2/ARE/Prdx6 activity during aging and oxidative stress
- stress, work ability, and an aging workforce: A study among women aged 50 and over.
- Universal NBTI compact model for circuit aging simulation under any stress conditions
- Aged rats are hypo-responsive to acute restraint: implications for psychosocial stress in aging
- Recovery of indicators of mitochondrial biogenesis, oxidative stress, and aging with (−)-epicatechin in senile mice
- Effect of aging on the stress crack resistance of an HDPE geomembrane
- Early-life stress and reproductive cost: A two-hit developmental model of accelerated aging?
- Role of beta-adrenergic receptors and sirtuin signaling in the heart during aging, heart failure, and adaptation to stress
- Reduced intraepithelial corneal nerve density and sensitivity accompany desiccating stress and aging in C57BL/6 mice
- Association between informal caregiving and cellular aging in the survey of the health of wisconsin: the role of caregiving characteristics, stress, and strain
- Grape seed proanthocyanidin extract prevents ovarian aging by inhibiting oxidative stress in the hens
- Toward an understanding of mechanism of aging-induced oxidative stress in human mesenchymal stem cells
- aging exacerbates pressure-induced mitochondrial oxidative stress in mouse cerebral arteries
- Hepatic steatosis exacerbated by endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated downregulation of FXR in aging mice
- Gut flora-dependent metabolite Trimethylamine-N-oxide accelerates endothelial cell senescence and vascular aging through oxidative stress
- The design of two-step-down aging test for LED lamps under temperature stress
- Sestrins are Gatekeepers in the Way from stress to aging and Disease
- Astaxanthin affects oxidative stress and hyposalivation in aging mice
- aging induced endoplasmic reticulum stress alters sleep and sleep homeostasis
- aging mechanisms: linking oxidative stress, obesity and inflammation
- Long-term adaptation to traumatic stress in light of adult development and aging perspectives
- Cytochrome P450-2E1 promotes aging-related hepatic steatosis, apoptosis and fibrosis through increased nitroxidative stress
- aging: oxidative stress and dietary antioxidants
- aging with ING: a comparative study of different forms of stress induced premature senescence
- Telomeric aging: mitotic clock or stress indicator?
- Evolution of the Cyclic stress-Strain Behavior of Doped SAC Solder Materials Subjected to Isothermal aging
- Dissecting the molecular mechanisms that impair stress granule formation in aging cells
- Oxidative stress and cardiovascular aging: interaction between NRF-2 and ADMA
- aging-related oxidative stress: positive effect of memory training
- Oxidative stress induces the decline of brain EPO expression in aging rats
- The role of shear stress in fault healing and frictional aging
- Green coffee extract enhances oxidative stress resistance and delays aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Effect of aging on storage and voiding function in women with stress predominant urinary incontinence
- stress and aging at the nuclear gateway
- … of aging, oxidative stress, neuronal excitability, and functional decline of the aging nervous system? Insights from a snail model system of neuronal aging and …
- Skin aging and oxidative stress
- Id1 ablation protects hematopoietic stem cells from stress-induced exhaustion and aging
- Diverse Functions of mRNA Metabolism Factors in stress Defense and aging of Caenorhabditis elegans
- NADPH oxidase 2-dependent oxidative stress, mitochondrial damage and apoptosis in the ventral cochlear nucleus of D-galactose-induced aging rats
- The role of Na/K-ATPase signaling in oxidative stress related to aging: implications in obesity and cardiovascular disease
- Oxidative stress in the aging process: fundamental aspects and new insights
- Increased oxidative and nitrative stress accelerates aging of the retinal vasculature in the diabetic retina
- Vitamin C deficiency in the brain impairs cognition, increases amyloid accumulation and deposition, and oxidative stress in APP/PSEN1 and normally aging mice
- Acacetin promotes healthy aging by altering stress response in Caenorhabditis elegans
- The cellular sequelae of early stress: focus on aging and mitochondria
- Influence of perceived stress on incident amnestic mild cognitive impairment: Results from the Einstein aging Study
- Frailty is associated with lower expression of genes involved in cellular response to stress: results from the toledo study for healthy aging
- Carnosine and taurine treatments diminished brain oxidative stress and apoptosis in D-galactose aging model
- In vivo properties of the disaggregase function of J‐proteins and Hsc70 in Caenorhabditis elegans stress and aging
- The inverted CD4: CD8 ratio is associated with gender-related changes in oxidative stress during aging
- … of post-traumatic stress disorder in aging Vietnam-era veterans: veterans administration cooperative study 569: course and consequences of post-traumatic stress …
- Lycopene ameliorates oxidative stress in the aging chicken ovary via activation of Nrf2/HO-1 pathway
- Lactobacillus plantarum CCFM10 alleviating oxidative stress and restoring the gut microbiota in d-galactose-induced aging mice
- Cyclic stress-Strain Behavior of SAC305 Lead Free Solder: Effects of aging, Temperature, Strain Rate, and Plastic Strain Range
- Impact of long-term RF-EMF on oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in aging brains of C57BL/6 mice
- Hot carrier stress: aging modeling and analysis of defect location
- Thermal stress resistance and aging effects of Panax notoginseng polysaccharides on Caenorhabditis elegans
- Telomere length–a cellular aging marker for depression and post-traumatic stress disorder
- Nrf2 deficiency exacerbates obesity-induced oxidative stress, neurovascular dysfunction, blood–brain barrier disruption, neuroinflammation, amyloidogenic gene …
- Induction of oxidative stress causes functional alterations in mouse urothelium via a TRPM 8‐mediated mechanism: implications for aging
- PGC-1α protects RPE cells of the aging retina against oxidative stress-induced degeneration through the regulation of senescence and mitochondrial quality control …
- Accumulation of electrophilic aldehydes during postovulatory aging of mouse oocytes causes reduced fertility, oxidative stress, and apoptosis
- Carotid endothelial shear stress reduction with aging is associated with plaque development in twelve years
- Regulation of aging and oxidative stress pathways in aged pancreatic islets using alpha-lipoic acid
- Ratiometric near-infrared fluorescent probe for synergistic detection of monoamine oxidase B and its contribution to oxidative stress in cell and mice aging models
- Poor maternal nutrition and accelerated postnatal growth induces an accelerated aging phenotype and oxidative stress in skeletal muscle of male rats
- … of the impact of chronic psychological stress on health-related quality of life and clinical biomarkers: protocol for the Australian Healthy aging of Women Study
- Arginine methyltransferase PRMT8 provides cellular stress tolerance in aging motoneurons
- Oxidative stress and age-related changes in T cells: is thalassemia a model of accelerated immune system aging?
- Glycative stress and glyoxalase in kidney disease and aging
- aging-associated oxidative stress inhibits liver progenitor cell activation in mice
- Glycogen at the crossroad of stress resistance, energy maintenance, and pathophysiology of aging
- Major depressive disorder mediates accelerated aging in rats subjected to chronic mild stress
- Effect of long-term treatment with melatonin on vascular markers of oxidative stress/inflammation and on the anticontractile activity of perivascular fat in aging …
- Impact of air pollutants on oxidative stress in common autophagy-mediated aging diseases
- Evaluation of the aging process of dye-sensitized solar cells under different stress conditions
- Peripheral vascular function, oxygen delivery and utilization: the impact of oxidative stress in aging and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
- An Anthocyanin-Rich Extract of Acai (Euterpe precatoria Mart.) Increases stress Resistance and Retards aging-Related Markers in Caenorhabditis elegans
- How Japan and the US can reduce the stress of aging
- The daily rhythms of mitochondrial gene expression and oxidative stress regulation are altered by aging in the mouse liver
- stress-dependent opposing roles for mitophagy in aging of the ascomycete Podospora anserina
- Fisetin as a caloric restriction mimetic protects rat brain against aging induced oxidative stress, apoptosis and neurodegeneration
- aging-related changes in in vitro-matured bovine oocytes: oxidative stress, mitochondrial activity and ATP content after nuclear maturation
- STRAP: stress-aware placement for aging mitigation in runtime reconfigurable architectures
- Daily melatonin protects the endothelial lineage and functional integrity against the aging process, oxidative stress, and toxic environment and restores blood flow in …
- Matrine attenuates D-galactose-induced aging-related behavior in mice via inhibition of cellular senescence and oxidative stress
- Osteoporosis and Alzheimer pathology: role of cellular stress response and hormetic redox signaling in aging and bone remodeling
- Impact of oxidative stress in premature aging and iron overload in hemodialysis patients
- Oxidative stress in aging brain: nutritional and pharmacological interventions for neurodegenerative disorders
- Healthy aging does not compromise the augmentation of cardiac function during heat stress
- Stability analysis of a model gene network links aging, stress resistance and negligible senescence
- Mitochondria, oxidative stress and aging
- Fine-grained aging-induced delay prediction based on the monitoring of run-time stress
- Inhibition of oxidative stress and skin aging-related enzymes by prenylated chalcones and other flavonoids from Helichrysum teretifolium
- Hydrogen sulfide signaling in oxidative stress and aging development
- Telomere length, oxidative stress, inflammation and BDNF levels in siblings of patients with bipolar disorder: implications for accelerated cellular aging
- Exenatide mitigated diet-induced vascular aging and atherosclerotic plaque growth in ApoE-deficient mice under chronic stress
- Sargassum fusiforme polysaccharides activate antioxidant defense by promoting Nrf2-dependent cytoprotection and ameliorate stress insult during aging
- Crack cocaine addiction, early life stress and accelerated cellular aging among women
- Lactobacillus plantarum AR501 Alleviates the Oxidative stress of D‐Galactose‐Induced aging Mice Liver by Upregulation of Nrf2‐Mediated Antioxidant Enzyme …
- Posttraumatic stress disorder and accelerated aging: PTSD and leukocyte telomere length in a sample of civilian women
- Suppression of Sestrins in aging and osteoarthritic cartilage: dysfunction of an important stress defense mechanism
- Peripubertal stress with social support promotes resilience in the face of aging
- Chlorophyll fluorescence for high-throughput screening of plants during abiotic stress, aging, and genetic perturbation
- Cell-type specific changes in glial morphology and glucocorticoid expression during stress and aging in the medial prefrontal cortex
- The moderating effects of aging and cognitive abilities on the association between work stress and negative affect
- A youthful age identity mitigates the effect of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms on successful aging.
- Effects of stress and aging on ribonucleoprotein assembly and function in the germ line
- The effect of aging on mitochondrial complex I and the extent of oxidative stress in the rat brain cortex
- Effect of long-term aging on the microstructure, stress rupture properties and deformation mechanisms of a new cast nickel base superalloy
- aging and SKN-1-dependent Loss of 20S Proteasome Adaptation to Oxidative stress in C. elegans
- … and stress factors of equine adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal stem cells: new insight into EqASCs isolated from EMS horses in the context of their aging
- stress and relaxation among aging Catholic priests
- Effect of aging on urodynamic parameters in women with stress urinary incontinence
- Influence of aging treatments on alterations of microstructural features and stress corrosion cracking behavior of an Al-Zn-Mg alloy
- Agro-industrial by-products and their bioactive compounds—An ally against oxidative stress and skin aging
- mTOR inhibition rejuvenates the aging gingival fibroblasts through alleviating oxidative stress
- … -deficient Prdx6 repairs aberrant Sumoylation-mediated Sp1 dysregulation-dependent Prdx6 repression and cell injury in aging and oxidative stress
- … on hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells through attenuating oxidative stress and the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in a mouse model of d-galactose-induced aging
- Sirtuin 1 protects the aging heart from contractile dysfunction mediated through the inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis in cardiac-specific …
- Role of MAPK‐mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress signaling in the heart during aging in senescence‐accelerated prone mice
- Glycative stress and anti-aging. 4: The evaluation of glycative stress: Evaluation for anti-glycative effect
- stress and biological aging
- Accelerated aging of reproductive capacity in male rat offspring of protein-restricted mothers is associated with increased testicular and sperm oxidative stress
- Oxidative stress and aging
- Effect of aging treatment on the exfoliation corrosion and stress corrosion cracking behaviors of 2195 Al–Li alloy
- Curcumin mitigates accelerated aging after irradiation in Drosophila by reducing oxidative stress
- … responsive heat shock protein OsHSP18. 2 implicates in seed vigor, longevity and improves germination and seedling establishment under abiotic stress
- Effect of black mulberry (Morus nigra) extract treatment on cognitive impairment and oxidative stress status of d-galactose-induced aging mice
- … induces mitochondrial DNA common deletion by oxidative stress in human skin dermal fibroblasts: implication for human skin connective tissue aging
- … of ischemic post-conditioning-induced cardioprotection via down-regulating oxidative stress and up-regulating PI3K/Akt/GSK-3β pathway in isolated aging rat …
- Perceived stress is associated with accelerated monocyte/macrophage aging trajectories in clinically normal adults
- Evaluation of oxidative stress in cardiomyocytes during the aging process in rats treated with resveratrol
- Molecular and biochemical evidence on the protective role of ellagic acid and silybin against oxidative stress-induced cellular aging
- stress, inflammation, and aging: an association beyond chance
- Increased macromolecular damage due to oxidative stress in the neocortex and hippocampus of WNIN/Ob, a novel rat model of premature aging
- Amelioration of premature aging in mtDNA mutator mouse by exercise: the interplay of oxidative stress, PGC-1α, p53, and DNA damage. A hypothesis
- Depressive symptom trajectories, aging-related stress, and sexual minority stress among midlife and older gay men: Linking past and present
- Differential menopause-versus aging-induced changes in oxidative stress and circadian rhythm gene markers
- Fibroblast growth factor 21 protects mouse brain against D-galactose induced aging via suppression of oxidative stress response and advanced glycation end …
- Increased endoplasmic reticulum stress in mouse osteocytes with aging alters Cox-2 response to mechanical stimuli
- Creep and aging of hard-sphere glasses under constant stress
- Selenium nanoparticles-loaded chitosan/citrate complex and its protection against oxidative stress in D-galactose-induced aging mice
- Flavonoid-rich ethanol extract from the leaves of diospyros kaki attenuates D-galactose-induced oxidative stress and neuroinflammation-mediated brain aging …
- Microstructure and strain-stress analysis of the dynamic strain aging in inconel 625 at high temperature
- Inosine improves cognitive function and decreases aging-induced oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in aged female rats
- Chromosomal processes in mind-body medicine: chronic stress, cell aging, and telomere length
- Quasi-programmed aging of budding yeast: a trade-off between programmed processes of cell proliferation, differentiation, stress response, survival and death defines …
- Psychological stress-induced catecholamines accelerates cutaneous aging in mice
- Effect of paraquat-induced oxidative stress on gene expression and aging of the filamentous ascomycete Podospora anserina
- Oxidative stress associated with middle aging leads to sympathetic hyperactivity and downregulation of soluble guanylyl cyclase in corpus cavernosum
- Effect of low-temperature aging treatment on thermally-and stress-induced phase transformations of nanocrystalline and coarse-grained NiTi wires
- Purpose in Life’as a psychosocial resource in healthy aging: An examination of cortisol baseline levels and response to the Trier Social stress Test
- Insight into electron traps and their energy distribution under positive bias temperature stress and hot carrier aging
- Activation of PPAR-γ by pioglitazone attenuates oxidative stress in aging rat cerebral arteries through upregulating UCP2
- Critical stress of high‐density polyethylene during stress and photo‐oxidative aging
- A glance at… telomeres, oxidative stress, antioxidants, and biological aging
- Building resistance to stress and aging: The toughness model
- Oxidative stress associated with aging activates protein kinase Cε, leading to cilia slowing
- Nutrients and diet: A relationship between oxidative stress, aging, obesity, and related noncommunicable diseases
- Equol’s anti-aging effects protect against environmental assaults by increasing skin antioxid